Two columns of soldiers lined the street ahead, dressed in red and black khaki uniforms, rifles with bayonets attached raised in salute, all standing at attention. When Mad Jack placed his foot on the concrete ground of New Berlin, flags rose high, fluttering in the artificial wind. Music ra...
Millions of people have also been bloodied and/or buried under a variety of circumstances and covered with shrouds, blankets, sheets, shirts, jackets, soldiers' uniforms, bandages etc.; yet none have left any images approaching the full-length, frontal and dorsal images on the Shroud or ...
NIH 'MADRID STATEMENT' On Poly- And Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs). CHEMTRAIL FIRE ACCELERANT:Nano Aluminum Particles (NAP) NAP was used with iron nano particles on 9/11/2001 to cut down 3 buildings. When NAP is breathed not only does it attach to blood iron, blocking oxygen, - hence...