Picture this a sky full of thunder F G Picture this my telephone number F G A One and one is what I'm telling you oh yeah RIFF CHORDS A D A D A D D D F F G G A NC C F All I want is 20/20 vision C F A total portrait with no omissions C F F (G) Ab All I want...
(71.09 Kb) | Added by:vowney One Way Or Another (Bass) 12345 (11.47 Kb) | Added by:Burnside Picture This 12345 (54.03 Kb) Sunday Girl (Bass) 12345 (11.25 Kb) | Added by:Burnside Tide is High Lipps 12345 (11.02 Kb) | Added by:Burnside...
554 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#1 Program ID: 33, Track: 8 time: 00:05 - 03:34 pitch: C1 - F#2 3 Clavi 1,419 notes/chords,avg. pitch C3 Program ID: 7, Track: 9 time: 00:05 - 03:34 pitch: G2 - A3 4 Overdriven Guitar 349 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4 Program ID: 29, Tra...