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An assessment of Blogger by both students and instructors suggests its potential as a unique mechanism that can be used to enhance the development of student reflectivity.StilerGaryM.PhilleoThomasEBSCO_AspEducationStiler, G.M. & T. Philleo (2003). Blogging and blogspots: An alternative format ...
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How to add Meta Tags to Blogger blogspot May 7, 2009 Checkout this post to know how to add meta tags to each post blogspot to improve its seo & for better search rankings. Read the full article → 4912Subscribers 1047Followers Popular at Vast9 ...
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I have used Blogger for years and found it good back then. With an increased interest in technology I started to find things which I didn’t appreciate, hence I moved to Octopress, which I find absolutely superb. The “Problem” with Blogger is at the moment that Google owns it, and ...
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