At first, I only regarded it as a hobby, but companies started paying me to take photos and publish them. In 2013, I was determined to make my dream come true: I would become Australia’s first professional photo blogger. It was a challenging job, but I did it. Now I spend three w...
[教材原文][长难句分析]Blogging Australia(1)there were over 200, 000 people Who are you and what do you do?reading my blog 是“There be十主语十My name is Lauren Elizabeth Pirie Bath. Until a few years ago I was a chef,现在分词”结构,现在分词短语 reading and a happy one at that ,...
故填(2)chef(3)professionalphotoblogger(4)over 464,000(5)WesternAustralia(6)thenaturalworldandanimals(7)environmentalissues(8)throwingfoodfromboats(9)familiarwithhumans(10)a danger(11)feedingwildanimals。 本文介绍了澳大利亚的明星博客——LaurenElizabethPirieBath。
blogging-australia课文翻译blogging australia课文翻译 用博客记录澳大利亚 请介绍一下你自己和你从事的工作吧。我叫劳伦·伊丽莎白·皮里·巴思。几年前我还是一个厨师,而且我也很喜欢那份工作,但我想从生活中获得更多的东西。我想旅游。那时我发现了博客,而且我还发现我拍的照片极其好看。因此,我决定把照片放在我的...
Unit 5 On the road Understanding ideas Blogging Australia 教学设计-2023-2024学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册.docx 格式:DOCX 页数:4 上传日期:2024-09-28 11:16:12 浏览次数:99 下载积分:300 加入阅读清单 0%还剩3 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 一一 分享于 2024-09-28...
2 Blogging Australia 171 2024-12 3 Unit 5 Words and phrases 439 2024-12 4 Good book,bad movie? 267 2024-12 5 When Hamlet meets Peking Opera 283 2024-12 6 Unit 4 Words and phrases 774 2024-12 7 Running into a better life 293 ...
Blogging Australia ① Who are you and what do you do? My name is Lauren Elizabeth Pirie Bath.Until a few years ago I was a chef,and a happy one at that,but I wanted more out of life.I wanted to TRAVEL.At that time I discovered blogging and found that I took pretty good pictures...
词汇积累教材原文课文译文①chef n .厨师Blogging Australia 用博客记录澳大利亚②out of life 从生活中Who are you and what do you do?你是谁?你是做什么工作的?My name is Lauren Elizabeth Pirie Bath. Until a few ③bloggingn .博客我叫劳伦·伊丽莎years ago was a , and a happy one at that, but...
课程名称:Book2Unit5-UnderstandingIdeas:BloggingAustralia学科:英语年级:高一教材:外研版必修第二册主讲教师工作单位:姓名: aWhatdoyoulovemostaboutWesternAustralia?bWhatisyourconnectiontoWesternAustralia?cWhoareyouandwhatdoyoudo?dDoesyourphotographysupportenvironmentalprotection?eHowdoesyourloveofnatureinfluenceyourphotograp...
优质课学习第40天:外研社版高中英语B2U5:Blogging Australia(阅读课)—— 熊艳老师 (附资源)当以读书通世事 >《067-英语》2023.07.16 甘肃 关注 介绍自己从贵州到南宁,说到自己喜欢旅行,接着问学生喜欢旅行吗? 熊老师唱歌一整个爱上!!! Step 1: Warming-up Step 2: Pre-reading Today, we're going to ...