在这行底下加入关键词和描述,具体代码是这样的: <meta name="description" content="天兴通讯 为你第一时间更新武汉市移动 联通 电信的优惠活动,收集并详细介绍武汉移动、联通、电信最全的套餐资费。" /> <meta name="keywords" content="武汉移动,武汉联通,武汉电信,移动套餐,移动资费,优惠活动,联通套餐,联通资...
<meta name="description" content="{php}echo preg_replace('/[\r\n\s]+/', '', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article->Content,'[nohtml]'),80)).'...');{/php}" /> {elseif $type=='tag'} <title>{$title}</title> <meta name="keywords" content="{$title}" /> <meta name="...
Google displays about 160 characters of the meta description in the SERP. You need to limit it within that. Here, too, you should include the keyword. Pages with a meta description get a higher average CTR than pages without it. Save If you don’t write the meta description, Google ...
Write your post’s metadata: Metadata is the term for the text used to display a web page in Google search results. This includes the meta title (also known as the title tag) and meta description. Sometimes, the meta title is the same as the title of your blog post, while other times...
<meta name="description" content="{$title}_{$name}_当前是第{$pagebar.PageNow}页"> {else} <title>{$title}_{$name}</title> {/if} 上面这段代码一共用了四个判断,分别对应内容页、单页、列表页和首页,你也可以根据自己的需求任意修改,参考如下: ...
('/[\r\n\s]+/', '', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article->Content,'[nohtml]'),80)).'...');{/php}"/>{elseif $type=='tag'}<title>{$title}</title><meta name="keywords"content="{$title}"/><meta name="description"content="{$title}"/>{else}<title>{$title}</title>{...
说明:设定页面使用的字符集,用以说明主页制作所使用的文字已经语言,浏览器会根据此来调用相应的字符集显示page内容。 用法: 注意:该META标签定义了HTML页面所使用的字符集为GB2132,就是国标汉字码。如果将其中的“charset=GB2312”替换成“BIG5”,则该页面所用的字符集就是繁体中文Big5码。当你浏览一些国外的站点时...
To purchase a shared hosting plan, select Sign Up Now on theplans page. Next, you’ll need to choose the billing term for your hosting account: monthly, annually, or every three years. The longer your term, the bigger your discount on hosting. ...
To purchase a shared hosting plan, select Sign Up Now on theplans page. Next, you’ll need to choose the billing term for your hosting account: monthly, annually, or every three years. The longer your term, the bigger your discount on hosting. ...
幸运的是,博客园的Blog系统提供了这个功能,在编辑文章的界面的高级选项下面有EntryName (page name)的选项,您可以输入一个有意义的文章名字,例如Check_Password_Strength_using_Custom_Atlas_Behavior,这样您的帖子地址就变成了http://dflying.cnblogs.com/archive/2006/05/16/Check_Password_Strength_using_Custom_...