它具有丰富的设计功能,包括200 多个模块、无代码前端Visual Builder以及使用 Divi 令人惊叹的Theme Builder创建自定义模板的能力。其他值得注意的功能包括令人印象深刻的布局库,其中包含 2300 多个专业设计、WooCommerce 集成和出色的支持。然而,Divi 最令人印象深刻的是,尽管拥有这些令人惊叹的技术,但它的速度却快如闪电。
The best free WordPress theme, optimized for Gutenberg and WooCommerce. Super fast, SEO friendly, easy to use and infinitely customizable.
Blocksy is a beautiful and clean theme for WordPress that has been created specifically to work with the Gutenberg Editor. Built with a clean and professional code, this theme is extremely lightweight. It also comes with a number of options for customiza
Blocksy是一个使用最新网络技术构建的超快速且轻量级的 WordPress 主题。它是在考虑古腾堡编辑器的情况下构建的,并且具有许多使其可扩展和可定制的选项。可以轻松创建任何类型的网站,例如商业机构、商店、企业、教育、餐厅、博客、投资组合、登陆页面等。 功能介绍 响应式设计 支持边栏小工具 支持多种颜色 支持多种字体...
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function () { wp_enqueue_style('blocksy-child-style', get_stylesheet_uri()); });Integrating with the Parent ThemeThe child theme system inside of WordPress allows you to replace the parent theme files with customised versions of your own. This gives you ...
Go toAppearance → Themesin your WP dashboard. Click on theAdd Newand thenUpload the Themebutton. Select the blocksy-child.zipfile you downloaded before. Then,Install Now&Activatethe theme. Voila! Your Blocksy Child Theme is active.
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Blocksy 是一款功能非常强大的WordPress免费主题,采用React、Webpack、Babel、 PHP 7等最新的技术开发,性能非常棒!完美兼容古腾堡编辑器、WooCommerce商城插件,多种页眉自由设置、侧边栏小工具,强大灵活的定制选项,用来搭建博客、企业网站等等都是非常不错的选择! 主题核心功能 搜索引擎优化 我们的主题是从第一行代码...
YOOtheme Pro for WP and Joomla 更新至 v4.5.9 2025-03-11 Mailster – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress 更新至 v4.1.10 2025-03-11 WordPress Automatic Plugin 更新至 v3.109.2 2025-03-11 BuddyBoss Theme 更新至 v2.8.01 2025-03-11 SEOPress Pro 更新至 v8.6.1 2025-03-08 WPMU ...
These screens will only be present if you’ve activated the Blocksy Companion Pro plugin on a network level. If you’ve decided that only a sub-site will use the Blocksy Pro license and have activated the theme and plugin only at the sub-site level, you will be presented with the defaul...