Lots of new Brick Sets Knitted Wool Terracotta and Concrete Color Bricks Supports wood variants for Biomes O' Plenty Wood Sets Mod Showcase This is my first mod ever made, hope you like it! :D My other mods Adventures + Netherite Scrap From Piglin Brutes...
Minecraft 这个由许许多多方块组成的世界,有时候我们很难用这些方块做出一些细致的物品,不过撞上今天我们介绍的这款mod,我们就可以做出许多精细物件,在有限的空间里,实现我们原本无法实现的功能。对红石电路爱好者来所,可以用此做出更多神奇的电路。 使用方法: mod的使用不是很难理解。首先,你应该知道,Mod不会更改游...
In the drop-down menu, open the addon using the Minecraft PE (Bedrock) application. It will take some time to import. After successful import, you will see the appropriate pop-up labels in the main menu of the game. Next, we will need to apply a resource pack and/or b...
Every Block is fully craftable in survival, and is designed to fit in with the vanilla Minecraft style. The vanilla block pallete The block pallete of NEB. FAQ how is this mod different than similar mods? (I.E. Chisel, Chipped, Etc.) NEB is designed for maximum vanilla friendliness. ...
This mod provides a bit of a shortcut for some of the more grueling tasks in Minecraft. Say you want a simple starter house but don’t have time or inspiration to build it, there’s a block for that. You really want to start mining and don’t want to slug through the layers just...
我的世界1.7.2-1.6.4木匠方块 Carpenter’s Blocks Mod使玩家在游戏中增加了斜坡,普通方块,楼梯,栅栏,拉杆,门,阳光探测器,压力盘等各种功能方块以及装饰方块!新增方块继承覆盖块的纹理及其他大多数特征,比如易燃性,防爆性等! 玩家可以使用该模组制作比如抗爆炸性能的楼梯,具有金字塔顶形状的萤石块等等,让玩家的建筑...
Each brick pattern is now capable of forming to however you desire and each requires a different crafting recipe. This allows for many different patterns to choose from so you’re not limited by what Minecraft normally dictates. This mod allows for a much broader spectrum of brick patterns that...
我的世界装饰方块(Decorative Blocks)Mod Decorative Blocks为大家提供了好些个建筑方块,或者说是装饰方块,为建筑党的大计“添砖加瓦” ! 宣传图片: 游戏内截图: 下载地址点此下载 适用版本:1.16.2 1.16.1 1.16 1.15.2 1.15.1 1.15 1.14.4 1.14
框架方块 FramedBlocks Mod由作者“XFactHD”所制作。 FramedBlocks添加了许多种能替换材质的框架方块。 mod使用方法 右击框架方块以替换材质; 用萤石粉右击能使方块发光; 用扳手右击能移除材质; 扳手功能可使用鼠标滚轮切换; 蓝图能复制框架方块的材质和发光状态; 大多方块可用幻翼膜右击隐藏,以允许你穿过它(需要在...
Btw your mod was ok in SP but crashed on MP. Description: Ticking player java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/WorldClient at hu.nvl.nvlstorageblocks.common.NVLTileEntityInventory.isUseableByPlayer(NVLTileEntityInventory.java:102) ...