其实从blocking 和 non-blocking 字面意思上来说,区别就是“阻塞”。要理解“阻塞”,还得从The Verilog "stratified event queue"说起,上述paper中对于"stratified event queue"的解释如下: An examination of the Verilog "stratified event queue" (see Figure 1) helps to explain how Verilog blocking and non...
Also see Verilog Tutorial Blocking Vs Non Blocking We had presented some introductory tutorial on blocking and non blocking assignment. We will now present some real life issues, solution and best practices for blocking and non blocking assignment statements ...
If there are multiple assignment statements in the always block in verilog then they can be done in two different ways 1. Blocking using = 2. Non Blocking using <= We will first consider an example usage of Blocking and non blocking assignments in initial statements. The initial statements ...
If not, then the tools will generate combinational logic. For this reason it’s best just to separate your combinational and sequential code as much as possible.One last point: you should also understand the semantics of Verilog. When talking about Blocking and Nonblocking Assignments we are refe...
写的很清楚,是你在设计电路的时候将阻塞赋值与非阻塞赋值放在一起使用了,这种情况经常出现在always 块中。这说明你是一个初学verilog的beginner。解决办法,仔细看书,搞明白 = 和 <= 号的作用、区别和使用环境。
Some of these transformations apply to both explicit-(IEEE P1364.1 proposed RTL synthesis standard) and implicit-(multiple clocking events in an always block) style Verilog. The more complicated transformations ap-ply only to implicit-style code. We also notice there is a one-clock-cycle mismatch...
# ** Note: $stop : D:/FPGA/Verilog/Introduction/sample1.sv(84) # Time: 60 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /comb_logic_assign16 说明,o1, o2比较好理解。阻塞赋值和非阻塞赋值的过程也如前文所述,记住$display和各种赋值在同一个时间步的执行过程。
Verilog里有连续赋值(Continuous assignment) ,过程赋值(Procedural assignment),还有过程连续赋值(Procedural Continuous assignment)。 过程赋值又有阻塞赋值和非阻塞赋值。 "=" 表示阻塞过程赋值(Blocking Procedural assignment), "<="表示非阻塞过程赋值(Non-blocking Procedural assignment)。
In an always statement with posedge / negedge keyword, you are always describing a flip-flop (this is always_ff in SystemVerilog), since this is the element that is edge sensitive. All other always statements are either combinatorial logic (always_comb in SV) or a latch. Always use non-...