(A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state.) 更加详细的定义可以参考 Thread.State 中的 javadoc: /** * Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock. * A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock * to enter a synchronized bloc...
A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock to enter a synchronized block/method。 一个处于 blocked 状态的线程正在等待一个监视器锁以进入一个同步的块或方法。 A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock to reenter a synchronized block/method after calling Objec...
(A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state.) 更加详细的定义可以参考 Thread.State 中的 javadoc: /** * Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock. * A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock * to enter a synchronized bloc...
Thread 4978: (state = BLOCKED) - sun.misc.Unsafe.park(boolean, long) @bci=0 (Compiled frame; information may be imprecise) - java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(java.lang.Object, long) @bci=20, line=215 (Compiled frame) - java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.await...
java线程模型中有5种线程状态。五种状态之间可以进行转换。 强调一下BLOCKED状态跟I/O的阻塞是不同的,它不是一般意义上的阻塞,而是特指被synchronized 块阻塞,即是跟线程同步有关的一个状态。 BLOCKED(阻塞) 简单定义为: A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state. 一个正在阻塞...
* is in this state. * * {@link #WAITING} * A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to * perform a particular action is in this state. * * {@link #TIMED_WAITING} * A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action * for up to a specified waitin...
线程的状态 线程有如下6种状态: New(新创建 ) Runnable(可运行) Blocked(被阻塞) Waiting(等待) Timed waiting(计时等待) Terminated(被终止) 其中,要获取一个线程当前的状态,可以调用getState 方法 下面,对每种状态进行解释 1.新创建线程(New) 当我们使用new操作符来创建了一个线程时,如使用new Thread(r)时...
java.lang.Thread.State枚举类中定义了六种线程的状态,可以调用线程Thread中的getState()方法获取当前线程的状态。 代码语言:javascript 复制 publicenumState{NEW,RUNNABLE,BLOCKED,WAITING,TIMED_WAITING,TERMINATED;} 具体状态切换如下图所示,下图源自《Java并发编程艺术》 ...
java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED (on object monitor) 2,线程状态为“waiting on condition”: 在等待另一个条件的发生,来把自己唤醒,或者干脆它是调用了 sleep(N)。 此时线程状态大致为以下几种: java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING ...