Blockchain technology is a decentralized and coded security system which provides the capability for new digital services and platforms to be created through this emerging technology. This research presents a systematic review of scholarly articles on blockchain technology in the financial sector. We ...
This research investigates the implications of incorporating blockchain technology into the process of making decisions for green supply chains, particularly under conditions of demand uncertainty. A model was formulated to encompass both environmentally friendly products enabled by blockchain technology and ...
Read the latest articles of Blockchain: Research and Applications at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
We thoroughly reviewed the current state-of-the-art research in technology adoption, helping us identify the recurring themes and trends in new innovative technologies and the key research gaps. We searched for relevant research from recommended scholarly databases, such as EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Associa...
Blockchain can function as a foundational technology with numerous applications in smart cities. The objective of this paper is twofold. First, it provides
Our analysis spans between the year 2019 to July 2023 and includes a wide range of scholarly articles. Initially, a screening process was employed to assess 16,479 published articles against our inclusion criteria based on keyword search. Finally, 11,593 articles met the criteria and were ...
Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) peer reviewed open access journal amplifies and disseminates distributed ledger technology research & innovations in healthcare
exploit and adopt. The mission ofIJBCis to be the premier resource for the most innovative scholarly and professional research information pertaining to the management and use of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Its articles will be essential for anyone interested in this area.IJBCis the first jour...
These thematic areas are conceptual evolution, technology advancement, efficiency enhancement, and data management. The results of the review indicate that continual scholarly efforts have been directed at refining conceptual and technical knowledge to enhance the efficiency of healthcare, the associated ...
Additionally, our scholarly articles explore the potential of blockchain technology to streamline financial transactions, as demonstrated by recent advancements in carbon-trading payment channels and privacy-preserving automobile insurance claims. This discourse is enhanced by a pragmatic approach to Ethereum...