Blockchain is an eccentric technology, at the same time, the most vaunted, least understood and most disrupting technology of the current era. The idea of blockchain is not so old. It is still in its infancy phase. In this chapter, we have tried to view blockchain from an application ...
One does face challenges in adopting blockchain despite its benefits. There is little hesitation among educators and students in using a revolutionary technology that might have roots in the challenges that occur at implementation, including those with security and cost. Let us explore what these cha...
Blockchain Has Lots of Promise, But It’s Still in its Infancy “Is it just buzz?” That’s the question Erich Wasserman, co-founder, head of strategic business development at MediaMath used to open an Advertising Week session on blockchain. The answer, from panelists Isaac Lidsky, founder...
For data storage, decentralized mechanisms, such as InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) [24] and FileCoin [25] are currently being used along with blockchain systems whereby stored data is traceable and immutable. The convergence of blockchain and CTs is still in its infancy and as such very ...
“We are relentless in the pursuit of being the world’s first blockchain company to change the world for the better. Our original vision has never been changed. The dream is still the same as before: To build a trust-free and distributed business ecosystem by enabling the flow of informat...
At present, the evaluation test of the blockchain system mainly focused on the throughput and transaction success rate of the system under different conditions. As the development of the blockchain is still in its infancy, there are not many test platforms for the blockchain system. Among single...
Enterprise blockchain technology is still in its infancy, with a small number of pilot projects being completed. This makes it difficult for lawmakers to set forth adequate rules and regulations for managing enterprise blockchain networks. For a vast majority of enterprises, these networks will be ...
protocol that enables financial transactions to be both anonymous and secure through thedistributed ledger. The authors recognize that blockchain technology is still in its infancy. They do an excellent job of separating what the technology can actually deliver now from its vast potential for the ...
I strongly believe that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy stages, almost like the internet in 1990s. The “Facebooks” and “Googles” of crypto-era are yet to be founded and I believe that the only way to grow this industry is to stop checking coin pric...
Our findings show that the field is still in its infancy, with the majority of studies in the conceptual or architectural design phase; only one study reports real world demonstration and evaluation. Research is greatly focused on integration, integrity and access control of health records and ...