minecraftresourcepackdatapackblockbench UpdatedJan 30, 2025 mcfunction GitWither/Player-Model-Generator Star2 Code Issues Pull requests A plugin for Blockbench. This plugin generates a template player model (Normal and Slim) with an option to generate a cape. ...
"minecraft:behavior.look_at_player": {"priority":7,"look_distance":6,"probability":0.02},"minecraft:behavior.random_look_around": {"priority":9} 现在行为已设置,我们将转到客户端实体文件。 确保将此文件的格式版本设置为 1.10.0 或更高版本以使其正常工作。
自Minecraft 1.9版本以来,Mojang引入了基于耐久性为物品纹理的功能。令人兴奋的是,它允许几乎无限的自...
This config file must be the players username, and needs to go in the **users** folder.\n**Example**: `.minecraft/playermodels/users/ewanhowell5195.cfg`\n- You can create a user config by going to **File > Export > Create OptiFine Player Model Config**.\n- Exported player models...