1.a flat-sided mass of wood or stoneetc.blocks of stone.bloque 2.a piece of wood used for certain purposes.a chopping-block.zoquete,tarugo 3.a connected group of houses, officesetc.a block of flats;an office block.bloque 4.a barrier.a road block.barrera,control policial ...
Deadly Connection: How Does Thyroid Disease Affect The Heart? Types Of Arrhythmia: 7 Ways Your Heart Can Get Out Of Rhythm Nonobstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Why Doctors Miss Warning Signs Of Heart Disease in Women View more Remove...
14. A small balloon at the tip of the wire is then inflated to push back the blockage and allow more blood flow to the heart. 在手术过程中,一个称为导管的细管插入腹股沟或大腿的血管中,穿过阻塞的冠状动脉,导线顶端有个小球囊,充起并推开阻塞物,使更多血液流向心脏。
A blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle. A heart attack is a medical emergency. A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. Without blood, tissue loses oxyg...
word-forming element in nouns of act, process, function, condition, from Old French and French-age, from Late Latin-aticum"belonging to, related to," originally neuter adjectival suffix, from PIE*-at-(source of Latin-atus, past participle suffix of verbs of the first conjugation) +*-(i...
Blood vessel blockage occurs in the heart - myocardial infarction 如果冠状动脉突然堵塞,导致部分心肌缺血性坏死,则会发生急性心肌梗死。心肌梗死发病迅速、致死性高、危害严重、预后差,严重威胁患者的生命,并且近年来有年轻化的趋势。 If the co...
What is the purpose of the coronary artery and what results if there is a blockage in this vessel?Arteries:Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body. They are made up of three layers: the tunica externa, the tun...
The heart is a very sensitive part of the human body. Therefore, it is highly important to consult the doctors right away upon the onset of the symptoms of arterial blockage. It is highly important to check the medical history of patients, which must be followed by physical examinations. Doc...
Check for dustblockageon respirator of oil system and respirator of gear reducer. 经常检查油系统呼吸器和减速机上呼吸器是否有粉尘堵塞. 期刊摘选 This could mean a heart condition. Or there could be a hole orblockagea lung. 可能使心脏问题, 或者是肺部穿孔或阻塞. ...
This type of model effectively enables early detection of coronary artery blockage through segmentation,\nquantification, identification of degree of blockage and risk factors of heart attack.Ashraful AlamMohsinul Bari ShakirMonirul Islam PavelMicro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications XI...