检查源数据库和目标数据库的block_encryption_mode参数是否一致,若不一致,可能会导致迁移之后目标数据库不可用,建议将参数设置为一致。 block_encryption_mode 用于设置使用加解密函数时的加密模式,源库和目标库的block_encryption_mode参数不同,会导致加解密函数的查询的结果不同。
block_encryption_mode用于指定在函数 aes_encrypt 和 aes_decrypt 中使用的加密算法。 权限要求 查询变量 Global 级别 sys租户和所有用户租户均可以使用SHOW VARIABLES语句或视图SYS.TENANT_VIRTUAL_GLOBAL_VARIABLE(Oracle 模式)及视图information_schema.GLOBAL_VARIABLES(MySQL 模式)查看 Global 系统变量的值。
block_encryption_mode 用于指定在函数 aes_encrypt 和 aes_decrypt 中使用的加密算法。 属性描述 参数类型enum 默认值aes-128-ecb 取值范围 aes-128-ecb aes-192-ecb aes-256-ecb aes-128-cbc aes-192-cbc aes-256-cbc aes-128-cfb1 aes-192-cfb1 ...
这条命令用来进入mysql客户端,其中username为你的用户名。 步骤2:设置 block_encryption_mode 为 required SET@@global.block_encryption_mode='required'; 1. 这条命令会将block_encryption_mode设置为’required’,强制要求使用加密模式。 步骤3:执行查询语句 现在你可以执行你的查询语句了,如: SELECT*FROMyour_tab...
block_encryption_mode = aes-256-cbc 1. 2. 这里我们将 block_encryption_mode 的值设置为aes-256-cbc。 完成以上步骤后,重启 MySQL 服务,新的 block_encryption_mode 默认值将生效。 总结 通过以上步骤,我们成功实现了 MySQL 的 block_encryption_mode 默认值。首先,我们创建了一个数据库用于存放数据,接着创...
数据库参数block_encryption_mode一致性检查 检查源数据库和目标数据库的block_encryption_mode参数是否一致,若不一致,可能会导致迁移之后目标数据库不可用,建议将参数设置为一致。 block_encryption_mode 用于设置使用加解密函 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 备份迁移失败,提示增量bak文件LSN不连续 ...
block_encryption_mode=aes-256-cbc When using theAES_ENCRYPT()function, an initialization vector (thekey_strvalue) must be supplied. This value is required for decryption and should be managed carefully. For more information aboutblock_encryption_modeconfiguration, see theAES_DECRYPT()function ...
The scheme has very good property of incrementality in the case that the underlying block cipher is far complicated than the simple mathematic operations such as Addition/Subtraction. It bases on the block encryption mode that is parallelizable and integrity assured.ChuanChi Wang...
The scheme has very good property of incrementality in the case that the underlying block cipher is far complicated than the simple mathematic operations such as Addition/Subtraction. It bases on the block encryption mode that is parallelizable and integrity assured. 关键词: Encryption Schemes ...
In this paper, we present a new tweakable narrow-block mode of operation, the Substitution Cipher Chaining mode (SCC), that can be efficiently deployed in disk encryption applications. SCC is characterized by its high throughout compared to the current solutions and it can be parallelized. We ...