{ "reportNeedlessDisables": true, "rules": { "block-no-empty": true, } } Which version of stylelint are you using? 13.13.1 How are you running stylelint: CLI, PostCSS plugin, Node.js API? stylelint "./styles/**/*.[s]css" What did you expect to happen? No needless disables re...
1. 解释“error empty block statement no-empty”是什么错误 "error empty block statement no-empty" 是一个由 ESLint 引发的错误,表明在代码中存在空的代码块语句。具体来说,当一个 if、for、while 等控制流语句的大括号 {} 内没有任何执行语句时,ESLint 的 no-empty 规则会检测到这个问题并报错。这是...
vue 项目报 “error Empty block statement no-empty“ 不规则空格引起报错方法如下。 一、在 package.json 中添加 { "name": "system", "version": "0.1.0", "private": true, "eslintConfig": { "plugins": ["example"], "env": { "example/custom": true } }, } 二、 在项目根目录添加独立...
这种错误信息,首先根据信息翻译一下,Empty block statement 意思就是 空的代码块,ESLint检查不通过引起的 前面的 165:19 代表第165行 第19个位置出现的报错 我们需要把这个改成 其他参考 ESLint检查中,空的代码块设置如下,就不会报错 JavaScript 全选 /*eslint no-empty: "error"*/ if (foo) { // empty...
New Issue Checklist I've Updated SwiftLint to the latest version. I've searched for existing GitHub issues. Bug Description The following code does not trigger the no_empty_block rule: @ViewBuilder private var replyButton: some View { Bu...
BlockEmptySendersEnabled Property BlockNotInGlobalAddressBook Property BlockPhrases Property ContentFilteringEnabled Property ContentFilteringExceptions Property DeleteScl Property FileFilteringEnabled Property FileFilters Property IpAllowListEnabled Property IpAllowListProviders Property ...
Torment as Tower Block Stands Empty; Nobacking for Social HousingByline: MARC WADDINGTONLiverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)
Digging more and more in ESLint rules, i found some good ones which enforces good style and more readable code. This issue is for no-empty rule - not fixable. Suggested configuration. { "no-empty": ["error", { "allowEmptyCatch": true }] ...
Problem The following is very common pattern when you don't care about an exception: try { foo(); } catch (err) {} But it's caught by the no-empty rule. I want the rule to catch empty blocks, but ignore the catch block as it's empty beca...