The block-fading channel is a useful model for transmission over slowly varying fading channels, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) or slow time-frequency-hopped systems such as GSM or EDGE. Despite the elegance of full-diversity rotations of dimension B, they induce large ...
Electrical engineering Code deisgn for SISO and MIMO block-fading channels NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Masoud Salehi LiYueqianWe study, analyze, and design communication systems for data transmission over block-fading channels. The block-fading channel is a model for communication under slowly-varying fading...
BFC (redirected fromBlock Fading Channel) AcronymDefinition BFCBritish Fashion Council BFCBunka Fashion College(Japan) BFCBackward F Code BFCBuffer Control BFCBriefcase File BFCBuffalo Field Campaign(West Yellowstone, Montana) BFCBible Fellowship Church(Lower Makefield Township, PA) ...
We study transmission over multiple-input multiple-output block-fading channels with imperfect channel state information (CSI) at both the transmitter and receiver. In particular, based on mismatched decoding theory for a fixed channel realization, we investigate the largest achievable rates with independ...
On Coding for Block Fading Channels. Focuses on a study on the achievable performance for coded systems adapted to a multipath block-fading channel model. Pairwise error-probability analysis for frequency-flat channels; Outage probability analysis; Maximum code diversity an... Knopp,Raymond,Humblet,...
high-ratestbc-mtcmschemesforquasistaticandblockfadingchannels 系统标签: mtcmstbcfadingblockratequasistatic High-rate STBC-MTCM Schemes for Quasi-static and Block-fading Channels Rahul Vaze ECE Dept., Indian Institute of Science Bangalore -560012 INDIA email: B....
This paper studies communication outages in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) block-fading channels with imperfect channel state information at the receiver (CSIR). Using mismatched decoding error exponents, we prove the achievability of the generalized outage probability, the probability that the gen...
This paper investigates the problem of distributed channel selection for interference mitigation in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) with block-fading channels, using a game-theoretic solution. Specifically, the channel gains are blockfixed in a slot and change randomly in the next slot. Existing algo...
文档标签: codingandchannelestimationforblockfadingchannels 系统标签: fadingchannelchannelsestimationblockcoding Coding and Channel Estimation for Block Fading Channels by Salam A. Zummo A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical ...
In order to enhance the robustness of the two-tier network, we consider the imperfect channel state information of interference links in block-fading channels using probability constraints. We propose a novel scheme to derive optimal energy efficiency by transforming probability constraints into indicator...