⭐️Features⭐️ Want to know how to block a website? We’ve got you covered! Just add websites to your block list on and we’ll do the rest, we’ll even throw in some really funny images if you try and go on the sites while they’re blocked 💩 ⏰St...
This extension will block access to websites of your choosing. A master password controls all customization options, as well as access to any blocked site. It's also possible to redirect navigation from one specific website to another. FAQs Page: https://add0n.com/block-site.html...
You can also add schedule to a specific website. For example, to block access to the YouTube site on Windows PC at certain times, first add youtube.com to the block list. Then click on this site. Click the clock icon that appears. Enable Custom Schedule. Set the blocking time. Tip ...
Method 2: Via a Easy-to-use Website Blocker 2 Effective Ways to Block A Website on Microsoft Edge Via the browser Blocking websites through the Edge browser is quite simple. All you need to do is the following: Step 1:Launch Microsoft Edge and look towards the top-right corner, where...
View all cookies Allow all cookies Allow cookies from specific website Block third party cookies Block all cookies Block cookies from a specific site Delete all cookies Delete cookies from a specific site Delete cookies every time you close the browser ...
View all cookies Allow all cookies Allow cookies from specific website Block third party cookies Block all cookies Block cookies from a specific site Delete all cookies Delete cookies from a specific site Delete cookies every time you close the browser ...
OpenMicrosoft Edgeon the computer. Click on theMore menu and selectSettingsfrom the list. It will open the Edge settings page. In the left sidebar, select theFamilytab. Scroll to theContent Restrictionssection and select theBlock Specific Sitesoption. ...
K12 uses McAfee Web Protection (also known as Trellix Web Protection) on K12 provided computers to block students from accessing unsafe websites. Parents can also block specific websites in their browsers. Follow these steps for each browser type used by the student, as blocking a site in one...
One more feature of this Edge extension that is worth mentioning is theBlocking Scheduleoption. You can add a blocking schedule for a website to block it for a specific day and duration. Go toManage blocked sitesoption >Blocking Scheduletab and enter a web address. After that, set up the...
One more feature of this Edge extension that is worth mentioning is the Blocking Schedule option. You can add a blocking schedule for a website to block it for a specific day and duration. Go to Manage blocked sites option > Blocking Schedule tab and enter a web address. After that, set...