Schools tweak block schedules: Students can take more math, music classesCARRIE SMITH
Block scheduling represents intensive single-subject chunks of specialized instructional periods, with pupils in class for up to 90 minutes -- the usual method of scheduling in high schools. This system is challenging the more familiar model of grouping elementary students by common grade level or e...
NAEP-HSTS 2005 and NELS:88 data indicate, respectively, non-continuous enrollment in secondary mathematics results in lower mathematics achievement and decreases the odds of completing a bachelor's degree. Nationally, schools following 4脳4 block schedules (90-minute classes that meet daily for only...
Block Schedules and Student Performance on AP Examinations In the past decade, U.S. secondary schools have introduced a variety of alternative classroom schedules in efforts to increase student learning and achievement and other valued educational outcomes. A number of these alternative schedule... R...
BlockSchedulesvs.TraditionalSchedulesAndTheirEffectsOnScienceAchievement,InquirySkillsandAttitudesRegardingScience DebbieMurphyEvaluatingResearchFall2019 Introduction Ourjobaseducatorsistoteachstudentshowtolearn.Weneedtoprovidestudentswithopportunitiestousetheircognitiveprocesses.Doestheblockscheduleofferstudents...
The block schedule not only helps you get more done in a day WITHOUT burnout, helps with time management, and makes your home insanely stress-free, but will also magically free up HOURS of time for you to fill with things that fulfill you most, and you never feel like you h...
students just have class every other day. This is possible under block scheduling which is the new way to organize a school day. Block scheduling has been a main cause of controversy in the United States. In order to understand block scheduling one must know the background, the pros, the ...
These students had been instructed according to one of three schedules: the traditional 6- or 7- period day, the 4times4 block schedule, and the alternating day block schedule. The researcher found that despite students on the traditional schedule having significantly more time for instruction ...
Based on results from the climate instrument, 2 schools with at least 3 years experience with block scheduling were identified as outliers: 1 positive, 1 negative. Both were comprehensive, public high schools that enrolled students in grades 9-12. Findings include descriptions of the school ...
However, students in grade 11 preferred the traditional schedule. No statistically significant differences were found between male and female satisfaction with block scheduling. ^ It was concluded that gender alone did not determine student satisfaction with block or traditional schedules. Based on the ...