官方文档:https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/blockinfile_module.html常用参数: 参数是否可选/默认值说明 path 必须 指定要操作的文件(ansible 2.3 版本以前,这个选项是dest或name,现在统一用path) backup 可选/no 是否在修改文件之前对文件进行备份 block 此参数用于指定我们想要...
上述代码将会在/etc/ssh/sshd_config文件中查找关键字“# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK”,如果找到则会将“Match User ansible”及其后面的两行内容插入到该行之后。 2. 替换文本 使用Blockinfile模块替换文本也非常简单,只需要指定需要替换的内容和关键字即可。例如: ``` - name: Replace block in file block...
[root@ansible-manager ~]# ansible host1 -m blockinfile -a 'path=/testdir/rc.local block="###blockinfile test###" marker="#{mark} test" insertbefore=BOF' 1. 示例7 如果使用如下命令,表示将文本块插入到文档的结尾,与默认操作相同,将 insertafter 参数设置为 EOF 表示 End Of File: [root@ans...
ansible all -m file -a "path=/root/test_1.txt state=touch" # 创建文件 ansible all -m file -a "path=/root/test_1.txt state=directoy" # 创建目录 ansible all -m file -a "path=/root/test_1.txt state=link src=/root/test_1.txt" # 创建软连接 ansible all -m file -a "path=/...
This will be inserted at{mark}in the opening ansible block marker.[Default:BEGIN]version_added:2.5-marker_end This will be inserted at{mark}in the closing ansible block marker.[Default:END]version_added:2.5-mode Mode the file or directory should be. For those used to `/usr/bin/chmod' re...
>LINEINFILE (/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/files/lineinfile.py) This module ensures a particular line is in a file,or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression. This is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in a file only. See...
ansible-playbook playbook6.yaml PLAY [Demonstrate block, rescue, and always] *** TASK [Gathering Facts] *** ok: [] TASK [Create a directory] *** changed: [] TASK [Create a fileinthe directory] *** changed: [192.168...
Note the failure in this test run: opening file /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.subtree_control for writing: Read-only file system https://github.com/ansible/ansible-dev-tools/actions/runs/10930266208/job/30342982168?pr=377 This is why unmask=/sys/fs/cgroup is added after the initial addition of the...
Think it like a shell which makes life easy in configuring LIO core How to quickly bringup gluster-block environment locally ? Fedora: # dnf -y install qemu libvirt libvirt-devel ruby-devel gcc vagrant ansible CentOS: # yum -y install qemu libvirt libvirt-devel ruby-devel gcc qemu-kvm ...
For the following example, the inventory file contains: [nodes] node1 node2 node3 Here is the playbook: ---name:Test block/rescuehosts:nodesgather_facts:falsetasks:-name:Main blockblock:-name:Role 1ansible.builtin.include_role:name:role1-name:Role 2ansible.builtin.include_role:name:role...