块元素(block element)和内联元素(inline element)都是html规范中的概念。块元素和内联元素的基本差异是块元素一般都从新行开始。而当加入了css控制以后,块元素和内联元素的这种属性差异就不成为差异了。比如,我们完全可以把内联元素cite加上display:block这样的属性,让他也有每次都从新行开始的属性。也可以把块元素div...
块元素是一个元素,占用了全部宽度,在前后都是换行符。特点为: 总是在新行上开始; 高度,行高以及外边距和内边距都可控制; 宽度缺省是它的容器的100%,除非设定一个宽度。 它可以容纳内联元素和其他块元素 常见块级元素: <div>,<center>,<form>,<h1>...<h6>,<hr>,<p>,<table> 内联元素(inline element...
内联元素:只在行内发生作用,设置宽高不起作用,不会影响文字内容,使其换行等。竖直方向和间距也不起作用 display可以强制转换行内元素和块状元素,还可以取消显示none 块元素(block element) address - 地址 blockquote - 块引用 center - 举中对齐块 dir - 目录列表 div - 常用块级元素,也是CSS layout的主要标...
Headers in the text:If you want a header to remain on the same line as the text, you can change the default block element into an inline element. Websites Using Block & Inline Elements Designing a website doesn't have to be difficult, especially when you get the basics of HTML and CS...
HTML Block and Inline Elements 概述: Html 中的 element 分为两大类 : inline 和 block ,分类的依据是 element 的尺寸和布局。所有block element都会单独起一行,并占用整行的宽度。所有 inline element 都不会另起一行,而且宽度只需要足够显示自己的宽度即可。
Every HTML element has a default display value, depending on what type of element it is.The two most common display values are block and inline.Block-level ElementsA block-level element always starts on a new line, and the browsers automatically add some space (a margin) before and after ...
An inline element does not start on a new line and only takes up as much width as necessary.This is an inline <span> element inside a paragraph.Examples of inline elements:<span> <a> <img>The <div> ElementThe <div> element is a block-level element that is often used as a ...
Each HTML element has a default appearance depending on the type of element it is. The default appearance for most of the elements is either block or inline.
块元素(block element)和内联元素(inline element)都是html规范中的概念。块元素和内联元素的基本差异是块元素一般都从新行开始。而当加入了css控制以后,块元素和内联元素的这种属性差异就不成为差异了。比如,我们完全可以把内联元素cite加上display:block这样的属性,让他也有每次都从新行开始的属性。
1、什么是inline、block、inline-block元素? 如果只用一句话描述:inline是内联元素,block是块级元素,inline-block是内联块元素。 inline元素全称Inline Elements,英文原意:An inline element does not start on a new line and only takes up as much width as necessary.一个内联元素不会开始新的一行,并且只占有...