首先看一个示范命令 summon minecraft:block_display ~-0.5 ~-0.5 ~-2.5 {block_state:{Name:"minecraft:oak_log"},transformation:[1f,0f,0f,0f,0f,1f,0f,0f,0f,0f,1f,0f,0f,0f,0f,1f]} 这条指令是在命令方块的后两格处生成一个橡木原木的方块实体,其指令结构分析如下: summonminecraft:bloc...
/summon minecraft:block_display 0 0 0 {block_state:{Name:"minecraft:cobblestone"}, transformation: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]} /summon minecraft:block_display 2 0 0 {block_state:{Name:"minecraft:crafting_table"}, transformat...
minecraft:display_name is a String component that specifies the language file key that maps to what text will be displayed when you hover over the block in your inventory and hotbar. If the string given can not be resolved as a loc string, the raw string given...
右上角可以切换成钢琴模式(好高大上有木有),左上角貌似是调试音符的 安装方法: 拖入mods文件夹(需要API支持) 软件标签:我的世界minecraft 下载地址 我的世界1.6.2-1.8音符盒MOD v1.3.3 官方版 本地电信下载 南方电信下载 江苏电信下载 广东电信下载 北方联通下载 广东电信下载 浙江电信下载 山东联通下载...
比如: id:"minecraft:command_block"。有时这个也需要加入,但是普通情况不需要,/tellraw内需要一些双引号。但是双引号之间无法在使用双引号,这样会导致指令错乱。方法是双引号内的双引号前面加一个 \ ,来分辨。比如:"{id:3,tag:{display:{Name:\"Dirt Block\",Lore:[\"This\",\"Is\",\"Dirt\"]}}}"...
PolyMc is unique in that it operates on packet level. This means PolyMc doesn't touch the mechanics of the mod at all. The server isgenuinely modded. This results in the server being quite stable, all the hacks PolyMc does to display things are separated from what's actually happening....
【每日一NBT】【蜂箱命令车】关闭命令方块运行 {Block:{name:"minecraft:bee_nest",states:{direction:0,honey_level:0},version:17879555},WasPickedUp:0b,tag:{display:{Name:"关闭命令方块 慎用"},Occupants:[{ActorIdentifier:"minecraft:command_block_minecart<>",SaveData:{EntityType:100,definitions:["...
Returns the@minecraft/server.Blockto the west of this block (negative in the X direction). Parameters steps?:number=1 Number of steps to the west to step before returning. ReturnsBlock|undefined Notes: 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo...
Inside the blocks folder, open the tuna_roll.json file and add "identifier" and "culling" to the minecraft:geometry: section: JSON Copy "components": { "minecraft:geometry": { "identifier": "geometry.sushi", "culling": "test:sushi_cull" }, } Here is the whole tuna_roll.json file...
Minecraft1.12.2 方块实体教程 MC中有许多很有趣的方块实体如旗帜、钟、附魔台…我们今天在1.18的版本下实现一个类似于熔炉的方块实体。 1.在blocks包中新建一个我们的方块实体包virusgenerator,包中新建一个我们的方块类VirusGeneratorBlock: VirusGeneratorBlock.java ...