The internal logic of the 8284A clock generator is depicted in Fig. 5.32. The upper half of the logic diagram represents the clock and reset synchronization section of the 8284A clock generator. It is depicted in Fig. 5.32 that the crystal oscillator has 2 inputs: X1and X2. When a crys...
Fig. 6.2 shows a block diagram of Internal Architecture of 8086. It is internally divided into two separate functional units. These are theBus Interface Unit (BIU)and theExecution Unit (EU). These two functional units can work simultaneously to increase system speed and hence the throughput. Th...
The line driver interfaces the internal logic levels of the sources (TTL, MOS, etc.) with thetransmission line. The transmission line in turn carries the signal produced by the line driver to the line receiver. The line receiver makes the decision on the signal logic state by comparing the ...