IDEA is a block cipher algorithm. IDEA算法是一种分组密码算法。2. The approach have been taken that the randomness generation module and the authentication module based on block cipher algorithm which can promote the secure of the RFID s application in trusted computing platform. 提出使用分组密码...
加密程式(Block cipher algorithm):Triple-DES-168支援 PKCS#7 格式;PKCS#11格式; PKCS#12格式 Windows 2000 Servi…|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,加密程式 更多例句筛选 1. DES, the United States Data Encryption Standard, is a block cipher algorithm with 8-byte long blocks and a ...
在密码学中,块密码,英语:Block cipher ,又被称为分组加密或者叫分块加密,是对称加密的一种常见形式。如果你想理解常见的对称加密算法,例如 AES/DES ,那么首先要理解什么是块密码。 基本介绍 先来做一下块密码的简介。当代的块密码的思路是基于信息论之父香农在1949年提出的密码思想,在1970年代被研发出来的。 块...
What is Block Cipher 下面抛出Block Cipher的具体定义: In cryptography, a block cipher is a deterministic algorithm operating on fixed-length groups of bits, called a block, with an unvarying transformation that is specified by a symmetric key. 其中,block cipher具有以下几条性质: 输入和输出的空间是...
Block cipher algorithm having a robust security against differential cryptanalysis, linear cryptanalysis and higher-order differential cryptanalysisUS6314186 * 1998年6月11日 2001年11月6日 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Block cipher algorithm having a robust security against differential cryptanalysis, linear...
3) block cipher algorithm design 分组密码算法设计4) computer programming language 计算机程序设计语言 例句>> 5) associative programming language 组合程序设计语言 例句>> 6) stream cipher design 序列密码算法设计补充资料:算法设计与分析 设计出高质量的算法,并研究算法所耗费的计算资源与问题规模之间的...
期望-最大算法(Expectation-maximization algorithm,又名EM-Training)——在统计计算中,期望-最大算法在概率模型中寻找可能性最大的参数估算值,其中模型依赖于未发现的潜在变量。EM在两个步骤中交替计算,第一步是计算期望,利用对隐藏变量的现有估计值,计算其最大可能估计值;第二步是最大化,最大化在第一步上求得...
混沌映射代数运算安全性密码系统双射映射密钥流伪随机序列混沌系统加密算法Based on the study of some existing chaotic encryption algorithms,a new block cipher was proposed.In the proposed cipher,the key is comprised of an external 64-bits K and the initial value x_0 of the logistic map.At the ...
方法名:getAlgorithmName BlockCipher.getAlgorithmName介绍 [英]Return the name of the algorithm the cipher implements. [中]返回密码实现的算法的名称。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: org.bouncycastle/bcprov-debug-jdk15on /** * return the algorithm name and mode. ...
A block cipher is an encryption method that applies a deterministic algorithm along with a symmetric key to encrypt a block of text, rather than encrypting one bit at a time as in stream ciphers. For example, a common block cipher, AES, encrypts 128 bit blocks with a key of predetermined...