Blobmoji是Google於2013年至2017年期間在其Android操作系統中使用的表情庫,當時風靡全球,但之後卻在emoji小圓臉的大潮流逐漸被淘汰😔。在2018年的世界emoji日,這個倍受喜愛的果凍人系列emoji作為表情貼紙回歸了Gboard和Android Messages。 注意💡:這些Blobmojis本質上是貼紙,而不是emoji符號哦。 以下是由BlobMoji設計的...
😄 BlobMoji 表情符号列表 Blobmoji是Google于2013年至2017年期间在其Android操作系统中使用的表情库,当时风靡全球,但之后却在emoji小圆脸的大潮流逐渐被淘汰😔。在2018年的世界emoji日,这个倍受喜爱的果冻人系列emoji作为表情贴纸回归了Gboard和Android Messages。 注意💡:这些Blobmojis本质上是贴纸,而不是emoji符号哦...
字体全名: Blobmoji 版本: Version 6.5 PostScript名称: Blobmoji 商标信息: Noto is a trademark of Google Inc. 制造商信息: Google Inc. and others 设计师: Google Inc. and others 描述: Color emoji font using CBDT glyph data. 供应商网址: 设计师网址: https:/...
iPhone iMessage Description Blobs in iMessage! Blobmoji - Your favorite emoticons With over 550+ animated, vivid, and lively blobs, you can find whatever you need near instantly with the search tool. There's a blob for every mood, from happy to sad, angry to laughing. Actions such as dan...
Blobmoji Version 14.0.1 字体(字体家族名称:Blobmoji;字体样式名称:Regular),共1466个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充,一般标点符号,符号用组合附加符号,似字母符号,箭头符号,零杂技术符号,圈型字母数字,几何形状,零杂符号,什锦符号,补充箭头符号-B,零杂符号
Blobmoji - Your favorite emoticons With over 550+ animated, vivid, and lively blobs, you can find whatever you need near instantly with the search tool. There's a blob for every mood, from happy to sad, angry to laughing. Actions such as dancing, high-fiving, and even playing instruments...
BlobmojiThis repository is intended to continue the development of the Blob emojis which have been abandoned by the original creators in 2017.My goal is to upgrade the Blob emojis with a fresh style which is consistent to other emoji vendors....
Blobmoji Version 6.5 font(Font family name:Blobmoji;Font style name:Regular),4996 characters in total.Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,General Punctuation,Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols,Letterlike Symbols,Arrows,Miscel
Blobmoji Version 14.0 字体(字体家族名称:Blobmoji;字体样式名称:Regular),共1466个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充,一般标点符号,符号用组合附加符号,似字母符号,箭头符号,零杂技术符号,圈型字母数字,几何形状,零杂符号,什锦符号,补充箭头符号-B,零杂符号和
Blobmoji Version 6.5 font (Font family name: Blobmoji; Font style name: Regular), 1431 characters in total. Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,General Punctuation,Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols,Letterlike Symbols,Arrows,