前端接口请求的时候,设置responseType: 'blob',后端接口直接返回的是文件流。
我有一些图像将显示在 React 应用程序中。我向服务器执行 GET 请求,服务器返回 BLOB 格式的图像。然后我将这些图像转换为 base64。最后,我将这些 base64 字符串设置在图像标签的 src 属性中。 最近我开始使用 Fetch API。我想知道是否有一种方法可以“一次”进行转换。 下面是一个示例,用于解释我到目前为止的想...
bolb、bloburl、file、base64间的转换bloburl格式:blob格式: Blob {size: 272260, type: 'application/pdf'}size: 272260type: "application/pdf"[[Prototype]]: Blob file格式: base64格式: data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjMKJbrfrOAKMyAwIG9iag...1.bloburl转换为file httpReques...
After recording and recieve the blob as audio/wav, I use new FileReader().readAsDataURL(blob) to convert to base64. I then tried to convert it back to audio with the following website ( but it i...
Hi, I am trying to upload large files manually on submission of a formik form. I have got it to work by converting the filepond file to a base64, and then uploading that. However having an issue with large base64 files being too long to upload and process on the server. I would ...
{ ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.unlink(result + "/text.txt"); }; const getConstants = () => { let obj = ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.dirs.CacheDir; setResult(obj); }; const writeFile = () => { ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.writeFile( result + "/text.txt", "Try to write str", "utf8" ); }...
{ ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.unlink(result + "/text.txt"); }; const getConstants = () => { let obj = ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.dirs.CacheDir; setResult(obj); }; const writeFile = () => { ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.writeFile( result + "/text.txt", "Try to write str", "utf8" ); }...
npm install ublob --save or yarn add ublob Usage toBase64: convert file to base 64 string import{toBase64}from"ublob";toBase64(file).catch((error)=>console.log(error)).then((blob)=>// set blob data...); getFileType: getting the file type ...
uploadImage(result.base64); }; } 我试过添加注释代码,但没有上传任何东西,我试过代码现在的样子,这给了我错误 Can currently only create a Blob from other Blobs ,上传进度永远不会得到高于 0%。 原文由 GIISE 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 ...