Browse the Official Blizzard Gear Store with merchandise and apparel from Overwatch, World of Warcraft and more. Find exclusive game t-shirts and hoodies you can wear while you rep your favorite game.
Browse the Official Blizzard Gear Store with merchandise and apparel from Overwatch, World of Warcraft and more. Find exclusive game t-shirts and hoodies you can wear whilst you rep your favorite game.
Browse the Official Blizzard Gear Store with merchandise and apparel from Overwatch, World of Warcraft and more. Find exclusive game t-shirts and hoodies you can wear while you rep your favorite game.
Browse the Official Blizzard Gear Store with merchandise and apparel from Overwatch, World of Warcraft and more. Find exclusive game t-shirts and hoodies you can wear whilst you rep your favorite game.
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These Terms of Sale do not govern purchases from the Blizzard Gear Store (the “Blizzard Gear Store,” locatedhere), which are governed by a separate set of policies and terms and conditions, which may be reviewed directly on the Blizzard Gear Store site. ...
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Follow Us Cookies Settings Legends Global Merchandise, LLC is the operator of and merchant of record for the Blizzard Gear Store. By placing an order, you are entering into a contract with and need to direct all communications regarding your order to Legends. Activision Blizzard branding, logo...
are subject to that retailer’s refund policy. BlizzCon Refund Policies Please visit our BlizzCon website for details. Gear Store Refunds For refunds on Blizzard Gear Store orders, please see the Blizzard Gear Store Cancellation & Returns Policy. Last Revised: 8 July 2024 Back To Directory...