Unlike Arduino boards, theSTM32 development board has to be manually set to programming modeusing the boot 1 and boot 0 jumper wires. The position of Boot 1 is normally not disturned. But the boot 0 jumper has to be set as 3.3V for programming mode and set to ground...
DTARGET_FF_ARDUINO -DTARGET_CORTEX_M -DDEVICE_INTERRUPTIN=1 -D__CMSIS_RTOS -DDEVICE_SERIAL=1 -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM -DTARGET_CORTEX -DTARGET_FRDM -D__NEWLIB__ -I"C:/Users/Sunghyun Park/Downloads/Blinking_LED_copy_mcuxpresso_k64f.zip_expanded/Blinking_LED_copy//usr/src/...
It was quite easy to solder the components, with the exception of the reed switch. As I didn't received the 5050 LED yet, I used some SMD LED (green, red, blue). I also created another version with the SM351LT, with a wire between Vcc and the Vcc pin of the chip. Don't look...