* blind sb with science用术语(或深奥的言语)使某人困惑to con
释义 请查阅词条:blind somebody with science 随便看 in memory of somebody in midair in middle in middle thirties in middle twenties in midstream in mind's eye in miniature in mint condition in mistake for in mistake for sb in mistake for somebody in mistake for somebody/something in mistake ...
•beblindedby the smoke因烟雾而看不见 •He wasblindedin battle.他在战斗中失明了。 2.使目眩 •The glareblindedhim.强光刺得他睁不开眼。 3.蒙蔽,欺瞒,使失去理解(或判断)能力 •beblindedby greed利令智昏 词组blind sb. with science用专业知识蒙蔽人,用技术知识迷惑人...
blind sb with science, to confuse or trick someone by using complicated language 用专业术语蒙骗某人 noun 1. 【释义】 also (window) shade [AmE] a covering, especially one made of cloth, that can be rolled up and down to cover a window inside a building 〔能上下卷叠的〕窗帘,卷帘; 百叶...
blind with tears / rage / pain etc,unable to see because of tears, pain, or a strong emotion 因为流泪/气愤/疼痛等视力变得模糊; 【例句】 She screamed at him, her eyes blind with tears. 她向着他尖叫,泪水模糊了她的双眼。 2. 【释义】 ...
3 (idm 习语) blind sb with science confuse sb with a display of technical knowledge 炫示科技知识使某人摸不著头脑. blind n 1 (US shade, window-shade) screen for a window, esp one made of a roll of cloth fixed on a roller and pulled down 窗帘(尤指固定在卷轴上能够拉下来的布质窗帘)...
to blind sb with science→ deslumbrar a algn con conocimientos 3. (fig)→ cegarto be blinded by anger/hate→ estar cegado por la ira/el odio, estar ciego de ira/odioher love blinded her to his faults→ su amor no le dejaba ver sus faltas E. CPD blind alley N→ callejón m sin ...
toblindsbwithscience zmestikogasstrokovnimiizrazi III .blind[blaɪnd]PRID. 1. blind(sightless): blind slep togoblind oslepeti blindinoneeye slepnaenooko almost/partially/totallyblind skoraj/delno/popolnomaslep ablindschool šolazaslepeinslabovidne ...
to blind sb with science→ deslumbrar a algn con conocimientos 3. (fig)→ cegarto be blinded by anger/hate→ estar cegado por la ira/el odio, estar ciego de ira/odioher love blinded her to his faults→ su amor no le dejaba ver sus faltas E. CPD blind alley N→ callejón m sin ...
执政者, 交情【医】 铟(第49号元素)相关词组: be in for be in for it be in on be in on it be in with sb in and out in and out of in statu quo in toto in situ in so far as break sth in two与blind,to,in, 相关的例句或者名人名言 ...