The mentha essential oil was successful in managing the Alternaria leaf blight in the tomato plants. Therefore, it can be explored further for the development of a natural fungicide.PERVEEN, KAHKASHANBOKAHRI, NAJAT A.Soil & Water Research
Early blight of tomatoes is a common issue that many tomato gardeners face. If left unchecked, it can destroy your tomato plants and severely hamper your harvest. Here’s how to watch for signs of early blight and keep it in check. What Is Early Blight? Early blight is a fungal pathogen...
Give tomato plants extra space(more than 24 inches) to let air to move among leaves and keep them dry. Water the soil– not the plants – to prevent splashing. Avoid overhead watering. Mulch with black plastic or landscape fabricto prevent fungus from spreading up onto leaves. Stake tomato...
A bit more information:Early blight is spread by wind, air and water. The fungus overwinters in debris in soil for several years. Remove susceptible weeds and volunteer tomato plants to further reduce the risk of this and other diseases. Review the symptoms and treatment for otherleaf spot di...
The meaning of LATE BLIGHT is a disease of solanaceous plants (such as the potato and tomato) that is caused by a fungus (Phytophthora infestans) and is characterized by decay of stems, leaves, and in the potato also of tubers.
: any of several blights of plants in which symptoms appear early in the season: such as a : a leaf spot especially of the potato and tomato that is caused by a fungus (Alternaria solani) compare late blight b : a leaf spot of celery caused by a fungus (Cercospora apii) ...
tomato blight, tomato yellows - a disease of tomato plants twig blight - a disease of the ends of twigs of woody plants walnut blight - a disease of English walnut trees plant disease - a disease that affects plants Verb 1. blight - cause to suffer a blight; "Too much rain may blight...
Alternaria solani causes diseases on foliage (early blight), basal stems of seedlings (collar rot), stems of adult plants (stem lesions), and fruits (fruit rot) of tomato. Early blight is the most destructive of these diseases and hence receives considerable attention in breeding. For over 60...
To avoid outbreaks, especially during warm and humid periods when Early Blight might be widespread, it is recommended to apply Cropium every 7-10 days. To address an Early Blight problem in tomato plants, consult product guidelines on treatment frequency. ...
Alternaria solani causes diseases on foliage (early blight), basal stems of seedlings (collar rot), stems of adult plants (stem lesions), and fruits (fruit rot) of tomato. Early blight is the most destructive of these diseases and hence receives considerable attention in breeding. For over 60...