Our Story — Canada’s Law Firm BLG 200 - The future of law since 1823 BLG started as the dream of one lawyer in Montréal 200 years ago. Since then, we’ve helped our clients and communities build, innovate, protect and grow, using our collective intelligence and smart anticipation to ...
Doing business in Canada’s product, retail and hospitality sectors comes with numerous laws and regulations. You need a team with deep knowledge of the diverse legal issues facing Canadian and international clients. As a collaborative, multidisciplinary firm, our lawyers have extensive experience ...
The firm has produced a Prime Minister, an ambassador to the U.S and represented Canada's current and former blue chip companies such as Hudson's Bay Co., Canadian Pacific Railway and Prudential Life. The firm developed an expertise in maritime law and represented international shipowners and ...
As the largest, truly full-service Canadian law firm, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) delivers practical legal advice for domestic and international clients across more practices and industries than any Canadian firm. With over 725 lawyers, intellectual
The Group has been involved in several important precedent setting cases in Canada such as the matter of Ford Motor Company v. OOCL and CP Ships Ltd. and the vessel Canmar Pride.DUNNBRIANEBSCO_bspCanadian Sailings
Canada’s first law firm Our firm has a rich history that goes back to 1823. Building on our heritage and culture, we seize opportunities and overcome challenges. Recognized law firm and professionals Year after year, the most reputable national and international legal publications rank our ...
tax As Canada’s law firm, we pride ourselves inadvising all of the nation’s largest banks as well as U.S. and other foreign financial institutions. We serve many other leading financial institutions including Schedule I, II and III banks, insurance companies, credit unions, pension and othe...
We are Canada’s leading construction law firm. Our team of construction lawyers has a deep understanding of the domestic & international construction industry.
Work with experts in intellectual property law in Canada. Our intellectual property lawyers manage portfolios with timely communications & short turnarounds.
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