Bleu score in Python is a metric that measures the goodness of Machine Translation models. Though originally it was designed for only translation models, now it is used for othernatural language processing applicationsas well. The BLEU score compares a sentence against one or more reference sentence...
Cumulative scores refer to the calculation of individual n-gram scores at all orders from 1 to n and weighting them by calculating the weighted geometric mean. By default, thesentence_bleu()andcorpus_bleu()scores calculate the cumulative 4-gram BLEU score, also calledBLEU-4. The weights for ...
answers):"""Compute approximate BLEU score between guess and a set of answers."""ifnltkbleuisNone:# bleu library not installed, just return a default valuereturnNone# Warning: BLEU calculation *should* include proper tokenization and
pip install bert-score 另外,我们需要下载bert-base-chinese模型,该模型的下载地址是。 代码 from bert_score import score cands = ['你举止优雅,吸引了众人的目光。'] refs = ['你风度翩翩,令人无法转移视线。'] P, R, F1 = score(cand...
Python PyTorch bleu_score用法及代码示例本文简要介绍python语言中 的用法。 用法:, references_corpus, max_n=4, weights=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) 参数: candidate_corpus-候选翻译的可迭代。每个翻译都是一个可迭代的...
nlp natural-language-processing meteor machine-translation dialogue evaluation dialog rouge natural-language-generation nlg cider rouge-l skip-thoughts skip-thought-vectors bleu-score bleu task-oriented-dialogue Updated Aug 20, 2024 Python dabasajay / Image-Caption-Generator Star 293 Code Issues ...
在Python中,你可以使用nltk库来计算BLEU分数。以下是一个简单示例: import nltk reference=this is a test sentence for BLEU calculation translation=this is a test sentence for calculating BLEU score 将参考翻译和机器翻译转换成标记化的词列表 referencetokens=nltk.wordtokenize(reference.lower()) translationtok...
The following are 30 code examples of nltk.translate.bleu_score.corpus_bleu(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all ...
Generally speaking, the scale of GEO-BLEU scores for the tasks can be quite small, possibly on the order of 10^-3 or 10^-4, due to the calculation involving exponential terms taking negative input values. If that is the case for the majority of submissions, we organizers will be presenti...
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