Blessing, Glory and HonorRegina MurfKim Rutherford
Where Charity and Love PrevailLutheran Hymn Project Calvary (Every Time I Think about Jesus)Lutheran Hymn Project They Crucified My LordLutheran Hymn Project All Glory, Laud, and HonorLutheran Hymn Project Love Consecrates the Humblest ActLutheran Hymn Project Great God, Your Love Has Called...
In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing!”Berean Literal Biblesaying in a loud voice: "Worthy is the Lamb having been slain, to receive the power and riches and wisdom ...
And since when is three children too many? Why should another child not be welcomed as much as his or her older siblings were? And as to whether or not we can afford another child: I am thankful that in my pre-kid days, God gave me the opportunity to visit an orphanage in China, ...