If you notice that you have a significant amount of gray hair, baby highlights might not cut it. You can opt for full classic highlights instead. With this type of gray blending, you can flaunt your silver while blending them with your natural hair color. Classichighlightsare a fantastic way...
You may think these blending techniques help only to transition blonde highlights to brown hair or other darker natural colors to extend your sun-kissed highlights or ombre look. However, you can also ask your stylist to apply these techniques alone to covergray hairor enhance your roots. This ...
Vivid Lightboosts contrast usingColor DodgeandColor Burnbased on the overlay’s color. Itbrightens highlights and deepens shadows,making it great for adding drama and enhancing textures. Pin Lightadjusts colors based on the blend color: lightening if it’s lighter than50% grayand darkening if it...
A box will appear that says “Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% gray)” Turn on that option Click ok You wont see anything, but the new layer will now be filled with 50% gray and be in Overlay blending mode. Perfect for us to add grain to (You can’t apply grain to an empty...