在此基础上,选中Camera,按G,能移动Camera的可视区域。先按G,再按两次z,可以进行zoom in/out。先按G,再按两次r,旋转相机。 27. 选中一条边,按Ctrl + right click,快速extrude。 28. Object模式下,在Modifier面板上,按Ctrl A,应用Modifier。 29. Shift+MMB,突然无法平移场景了,这时只需要在Object Mode下,按...
所有模式菜单: 视图(View) ‣ 相机(Cameras) ‣ 相机边界框(Frame Camera Bounds)快捷键: Home 更改视图,以便您可以看到所有对象。 框显所选 参考模式: 所有模式菜单: 视图‣ 帧选择快捷键: 由3D建模学习工作室翻译整理,转载请注明出处!
104.blender技巧篇扩展中文版104- 缩放至选定Zoom To Selected 15 -- 0:47 App 111.blender技巧篇扩展中文版111-油脂铅笔雕刻笔画厚度Grease Pencil Sculpt Stroke Thickness 23 -- 0:50 App 112.blender技巧篇扩展中文版112-水平翻转相机Flip Camera Horizontally 212 -- 3:53 App 063.blender技巧篇扩展中文版...
143.blender每日小技巧143 - 相机位移Camera Shift 00:50 144.blender每日小技巧144 -如何用破裂修改器在一分钟内撕裂布料 How To Tear Cloth In One Minute With Frac 01:39 145.blender每日小技巧145 -如何引导立方体运动 How To Launch A Cube 01:23 146.blender每日小技巧146 - 1分钟置换纹理Microdi...
Zoom In/OutScroll or Ctrl + MMB FlyShift + ~View (3D viewport)Numpad views:/Isolate 7Top8Up9Opposite 4Left5Persp/Ortho6Right 1Front2Down3Side 0Camera.Focus View Pie Menu~Fast View SwitchAlt + MMB (drag)Show All ObjectsHome Zoom to regionShift + B Object Mode (3D viewport)Mode Pie ...
It is useful to match a camera in Blender to a physical camera and lens combination, e.g. for motion tracking. 传感器选择 可选择控制视角适合的尺寸(垂直或水平)。 安全区域¶ 安全区域是用于定位元素的指南,以确保可以在所有屏幕上看到内容的最重要部分。 Different screens have varying amounts of ...
Zoom In/Out¶ 参考 模式 所有模式 菜单 View ‣ Navigation ‣ Zoom In/Out 快捷键 Ctrl-MMB, Wheel, NumpadPlus, NumpadMinus Moves the camera forwards and backwards. You can zoom in and out by holding down Ctrl and dragging MMB. To zoom in with discrete steps, use the hotkeys ...
CTRL+ALT+NUMPAD+0 Align Camera to View——对齐相机到视图 J Cycle Render Slots——循环渲染槽 Numpad . Zoom to Object 缩放到物体 Shift+F Fly Mode 飞行模式 Modeling——建模 SHIFT+Alt Add object——添加物体 E Extrude——挤出 CTRL+LEFT MOUSE Extrude (here)——挤出(在这里) ...
Camera movements can be controlled with object tracking, potentially eliminating the need for additional software. Drawing, video editing, and scripting Blender allows you to draw directly in the 3D environment, which makes it possible to combine 2D drawings with 3D scenes, animate them, and ...