#blender建模 #抖音特效师星计划 #抖音特效开放平台 uv贴图小小白教程 00:00 / 03:48 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞685 画画的贝贝3周前blender 蜡烛火焰动画教程 工具:blender 步骤: 1.蜡烛建模 2.火焰-置换-新建纹理-云絮-尺寸1 3.新建空物体- #frame/50(循环动画) 4.火焰-置换-物体-空物体火焰记得细分...
The texture positions are set using the sliders in the purple group below. The textures are used in the Shader group in the middle to create light and dark versions of the material. The material knows when to show the light or dark version of the texture from the bsdf shader in the...
The texture positions are set using the sliders in the purple group below. The textures are used in the Shader group in the middle to create light and dark versions of the material. The material knows when to show the light or dark version of the texture by using the Raw toon shading ...
The two Image Textures are synchronized with the sphere's polar coordinates by a Texture Coordinate node (red top bar at the left). The displacement data are converted into a usable form by a "bump map" node (purple top bar) — more on bump maps below. The amplitude of the displacement...
The Blender file consists of a sphere located at grid centre and at elevation 2 (metres). The sphere has a PBR material and a simple UV map. Your task is add the animation helper, add the rotation animation, export to FBX and import into Trainz. ...
The texture positions are set using the sliders in the purple group below. The textures are used in the Shader group in the middle to create light and dark versions of the material. The material knows when to show the light or dark version of the texture from the bsdf shader in the Raw...
The texture positions are set using the sliders in the purple group below. The textures are used in the Shader group in the middle to create light and dark versions of the material. The material knows when to show the light or dark version of the texture by using the Raw toon shading ...