🥩🥩🥩 Blender制作程序化牛肉排材质 (Blender Tutorial) 28:55 Blender制作细致的玻璃色散划痕和透明效果 40:35 Blender制作带有陨石坑材质的程序化小行星表面材质(中文字幕) 17:59 Blender制作带有陨石坑材质的程序化小行星表面材质(中文字幕) 18:41 在blender 3d 中制作岩石 - 制作自然资产(中英文字幕...
Tutorial – Discovering Blender Part 1: Introduction to Blender’s Interface Tutorial – Discovering Blender Part 2: Creating your First Textured Mesh Tutorial – Discovering Blender Part 3: Applying UV Mapping Here I will show you how to bake a normal map from a Hi-res model to a Low-rez ...
How to Create a Spaceship in Blender - Part 1 of 2 - YouTube Watch On In this two-part video-based Blender tutorial from Blender Guru, you'll learn how to model a concept spaceship; how to use your own sketches as reference; and how a combination of modifiers can aid you in mode...
Transition effect in VSE - Blender 2.8_ - Tutorial _part1,本视频由blender原创提供,0次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
Blender 2.5x~2.6 完完全全教教程程 Tutorial 第第 1.2.1 节节 安安装装和和启启动动 (install) Blender是一款免安装的绿色软件,对应于不同的操作系统,Blender安装 件或压缩 件分 别只有27M~52M大小,把下载的Blender软件压缩包解压缩就算安装完毕了,解压缩出来的 件 夹只有100M左右,在 件夹中找到一个名字...
《巫师 3》技术美术教你如何成为一名 TA Blender 2.9 新手教程 - 古风寺庙|Part 4 额外加分系列视频第一季第一辑(中配) Riot Games 出了一套游戏美术教程 #1:核心原则 Blender 2.9 新手教程 - 古风寺庙|Part 3 videotutorialBlenderBeginner Tutorial
Welcome to the Blender 2.8 beginner tutorial series. In this video I give you a quick summery about Blender 2.8 and what we will create in this tut... 其它视频 9:38 10 Substance Painter. Добавляемкартувысот. Урокинарусском ...
Once you understand the basics, it is time to use Blender to complete your goals, whatever they may be. If character creation or videogame developmentis part of that end goal, then this tutorial is one you shouldn't overlook. It covers how to shape your character, add texture, give detail...
Making Your First Model Part 1 – Franken-Reference How can I use Blender to make a model for MMD? How do I make my selfie model from scratch? Is it possible to make an MMD model from the sketches I draw? THIS is a MULTI-PART Tutorial on its OWN PAGE. Below is PART 1… CLICK ...