Eraser Radius:设置橡皮擦的尺寸。Smooth Stroke:设置平滑的路径参数。 Key framing(关键帧)设置Visual Keying:设置是否为约束物体自动添加视图关 17、键帧。Only Insert Needed:只插入当前修改的属性关键帧。Auto Keyframing:是否开启自动插入关键帧的功能,当激活后可设置其附属功能Only Insert for Keying Set...
Eraser Radius:设置橡皮擦的尺寸。 Smooth Stroke:设置平滑的路径参数。 Key framing(关键帧)设置 Visual Keying:设置是否为约束物体自动添加视图关键帧。 Only Insert Needed:只插入当前修改的属性关键帧。 Auto Keyframing:是否开启自动插入关键帧的功能,当激活后可设置其附属功能Only Insert for Keying ...
uniform sampler2D Texture; float aTransparent; void main (void) { vec4 mask = texture(Texture, vec2(gl_PointCoord.x, gl_PointCoord.y)); fragColor = aTransparent * vec4(outColor.rgb, 1.0) * mask; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 但大多数黑色的纹理,采用的是滤...
Eraser Radius 设置橡皮擦的尺寸 Smooth Stroke 设置平滑的路径参数 2 2 2 52 2 2 5 KeyKey framingframing 关键帧 设置 关键帧 设置 Visual Keying 设置是否为约束物体自动添加视图关键帧 Only Insert Needed 只插入当前修改的属性关键帧 Auto Keyframing 是否开启自动插入关键帧的功能 当激活后可设置其附属功能 ...
Added shortcut to enable an eraser in texture paint mode (Ctrl+X) Added option to choose which maps to import from texture assets Added a preview for baking masks and bevel normal map Added option to keep the base material for materials with a principled bsdf ...
Annotations:Annotations are a cool way that you can leave notes to yourself or people you’re collaborating with, right within your Blender project itself. This sub-panel gives you controls of the default starting color and eraser size for your annotations. You can, of course, change those val...
You can also use textures on eraser. Just remember that alpha is what matters, not color. Here is a comparison between textured and non-textured eraser: First a plain one. And now with a noise texture affecting material alpha. Please note that you need lots of substeps to get a smooth ...
/usr/share/blender/datafiles/colormanagement/config.ocio /usr/share/blender/datafiles/colormanagement/filmic/filmic_desat_33.cube /usr/share/blender/datafiles/colormanagement/filmic/filmic_to_0-35_1-30.spi1d /usr/share/blender/datafiles/colormanagement/filmic/filmic_to_0-48_1-09.spi1d /usr/...
Lista plików pakietublender-dataz gałęzioracularna architekturęall /usr/share/blender/datafiles/colormanagement/config.ocio /usr/share/blender/datafiles/colormanagement/filmic/filmic_desat_33.cube /usr/share/blender/datafiles/colormanagement/filmic/filmic_to_0-35_1-30.spi1d /usr/share/blend...
Eraser Radius:设置橡皮擦尺寸。 Smooth Stroke:设置平滑路径参数。 Key framing(关键帧)设置 Visual Keying:设置是否为约束物体自动添加视图关键帧。 Only Insert Needed:只插入目前修改属性关键帧。 Auto Keyframing:是否开启自动插入关键帧功效,当激活后可设置其隶属功效Only Insert for Keying Set和Only ...