太阳位置(Sun Position)¶ 太阳位置可以对太阳进行定位和动画化(在一定的精度下),模拟真实世界的自然光照。它使用物理特性来定位太阳在场景中的位置:地理位置、时间和日期。它是基于地球系统研究实验室的 在线计算器。激活¶ 打开Blender,打开用户偏好设置下的插件栏。 选择"光照",然后选择"太阳位置(Sun Position)...
8 重复的物体 用Object Info的随机偏移UV位置 9 Randomize Transform打破固定距离排列 10 复制粘贴可以跨工程 11 Shift G 选择相似 12 Ctrl R - E F 13 Ctrl M 镜像 14 3D Cursor - Orientation: Geometry 当应用旋转之后 可以用它获得几何体的局部xyz 15 Copy attributes addon 16 Ctrl L 17 Bevel node (...
sun_position Sun Position: add Show Surface and Show Analemmas options Jan 8, 2023 system_demo_mode Cleanup: fix various typos Jun 30, 2022 ui_translate Cleanup: remove <pep8 compliant> comment Jun 3, 2022 viewport_vr_preview Cleanup: trailing space Jan 31, 2023 .arcconfig Fix .arcconfig...
sun_position 怪我咯 EMMsuper-texture-280 只剩一瓶辣椒酱suv pjsverchok-b28_prelease_master 怪我咯EMMsystem_blend_info 怪我咯 EMMtTexTools-Blender-master 鬼tchat 来一杯绿茶techdraw 来一杯绿茶text_editor_hastebin 怪我咯 EMMtextools 鬼theme_editor 鬼tiler 怪我咯EMMtissue-0-3-38 本翻译已转为...
If there is a sun in the scene, it will turn on “use sky blend” which will make the rotation of the sun lamp affect the sky color / sun glow position. Purpose:Quickly load in previously set up materials found in the active resource pack'smaterials.blend, and replace corresponding mate...
Blender 2.8-2.9 addon pack Blender 2.8-2.9的插件包合集 Blign.zip Easy_Align_Addon.zip Freesound v2-0.zip InteractionOps.zip Mesh align plus.zip Snap Target menu.zip Undoz tools v1-01.zip Wlock pro.zip animaide.zip animation_nodes.zip ...
traffiq cars is an ever-expanding library of optimized realistic cars and various vehicles (mostly cars for now) and traffic-related assets for architectural visualization, environmental design, and rendering streets or other scenes that need cars.
Blender Secrets Volume 2 - page 82 Blender Secrets - Volume 2 Gstretch (LoopTools) function This tip requires the addon LoopTools (which is in Blender by default, but needs to be enabled in Preferences). Its a great must-use addon, I recommend always having this enabled as it has many...
A Blender addon for importing Source 1 engine maps, models, materials and textures. This addon makes it possible to import full CS:GO, TF2, CS:S or other Source 1 game maps into Blender. - lasa01/Plumber
To add a new sun (rotated in alignment with the current sun position), click "Add new sun" The new sun will be located in a new collection, "HDRI Sun Aligner" Installation of HDRI Sun Aligner addon Download latest release fromhttps://github.com/akej74/hdri-sun-aligner/releases(source ...