rotation option: bend when scaling the first phalanx, predefined fist pose Simple controller shape version Bone Selector: You can turn on/off, import/export presets. Customizable Color customization Conform to cartoon specifications: stretchable spine, legs, arms Compatible with IK-FK snap auto key,...
移动物体:G 旋转物体:R 缩放物体:S 恢复变换:Alt+G, Alt+R,Alt+S 移动旋转时按住ctrl有吸附效果 G/R/S + X/Y/Z + 度数 新建物体:Shift+A 复制物体: Shift+D (移动并复制) 删除物体:X或者Delete 隐藏物体:H (或点击小眼睛) 显示隐藏物体:Alt+H 隐藏没有被选中的物体: Shift+H 选择物体刷选:C...
Parent Feathers Layers: parent feathers layers. If disabled, feather layers move independently. Add Wings Fold Controller: add a controller to fold the arms and feathers by scaling it. Requires an action containingrig_wings_foldin its name, rest pose at frame 0, folded pose at frame Note Creat...
K帧:Pose模式下按“I”可快捷对移动、旋转、缩放等数据K帧。 清除一个动作片段(未使用的):清除场景内容时有时候会残留动画片段,导出glb时会增加文件大小,可以在动作编辑器中找到未使用的动作,“shift+x”(shift+删除),在下一次打开Blender时未使用的片段就消失了。 动作编辑器 Shift加删除 权重迁移:Rest Pose下...
Start Pose Mode Lets you test how bones will move. Saves your current pose as a new shape key. Apply as Rest Pose Applies the current pose position as the new rest position. This saves the shape keys and repairs ones that were broken due to scaling ...
I also played with the concept of setting the position based on the three exporter settings (if your scene's armature was set to Rest but the exporter was Pose it would set the position for you) but for some reason this didn't seem to work as expected. The code is still in place ...
Blender Secrets 029 - Quickly Set Up HDRI Lighting.mp4 Blender Secrets 030 - Volumetric Light Through A Window.mp4 Blender Secrets 031 - Super Quick Circular Array.mp4 Blender Secrets 032 - Randomize Grain.mp4 Blender Secrets 033 - 3 Different Ways To Fill.mp4 Blender Secrets 034 - Super Easy...
To reset the pose, assign it to be the same as the rest pose 本章总结 这章学习了动画的本质,动画的本质就是一堆Track,或者说一堆Property的Curves,Track由一个Property的多个关键帧数据组成。后面的AnimationClips基本就是这章建立的TransformTrack对象的集合,Github上的Sample00带了此课的代码,Sample01把...
新的问题:在对FBX进行 原始POSE对应的Redefine Rest Pose 的时候,无效化 解决办法:重新点击Build Bones List,然后进入FBX的姿态模式,再点Copy Selected Bones Rotation,OK 问题2:导入MIXAMO的FBX,调整骨骼的T-POSE姿势 建议POSE拷贝前,选择除了脚掌以外的其他骨骼,再点Copy Selected Bones Rotation 如下图 ...
Start Pose Mode Lets you test how bones will move. Pose to Shape Key Saves your current pose as a new shape key. Apply as Rest Pose Applies the current pose position as the new rest position. This saves the shape keys and repairs ones that were broken due to scaling Model Options Trans...