cone.location[1] = y * 2 # add keyframes to each cone for frame in range(0, total_frames): bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame) cone.location.z = sin(theta + x) * 2 - 1 cone.keyframe_insert(data_path='location') scale = sin(theta + y) cone.scale = (scale, scale, scale) ...
Apply Location / Scale / RotationCtrl + A Join Selected ObjectsCtrl + J Copy Attributes to New ...
ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add( radius=radius, location=(distance_to_sun, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1) ) = obj_name bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() return bpy.context.object def create_torus(radius, obj_name): obj = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add( location=...
因此,大部分脚本的起手式都是“选择需要编辑的物体”——set object as active: #选中名为eyes的object#需要用的是view_layer.objects而不是['eyes']#错误示范:如果直接给active_object赋值会因为变量状态为只读而报错>>>bpy.context.active_ob...
location=(distance_to_sun, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1) ) # rename the object = obj_name # return the object reference return bpy.context.object N_PLANETS = 6 for n in range(N_PLANETS): # get a random radius (a float in [1, 5]) ...
depth of field utilities. Contribute to p2or/blender-dof-utils development by creating an account on GitHub.
Value sliders are shown when the 'Use Grayscale' option is enabled. Note that you can also press the 'X' key to switch between the primary and secondary colors. Fill With Color / Fill With Value This will ignore any selected active channels and fill the mesh with the current brush color...
I’ll start by deleting the faces that mark the points I want the ring to connect to the body... Next, I’ll do a loop select on the topmost hole... Go to the side view, and extrude. Next, we’ll use the X-axis handle on our scale tool to even out our edges... ....
Scale Averagescales each of the selected segments individually in the Y direction. Push / Pullscales from an imaginary line that connects the start to the end. Time Offsetmoves the shape of the animation forwards or backwards without moving the keys to other frames. ...
Displacement strength - Adjust how much displacement to apply, measured in meters. Not visible if "Normal Only" is selected above. Scale - Change the size multiplier for unwrapped mapping scale. Higher values increase the amount of tiling of the texture ...