Blender真实色彩渲染插件 Render Raw 14:27 Blender下雨模拟插件 Baga Rain Generator V1.0.9 00:57 Blender程序化城市建筑道路资产预设一键生成插件 ICity V1.0.3 + 使用教程 01:31 3DS MAX贴图材质随机加载插件 MultiTexture Map 05:47 3DS MAX地板地面墙面生成制作插件 Floorgenerator 04:28 Blender关键帧...
Blender真实色彩渲染插件 Render Raw 14:27 Blender下雨模拟插件 Baga Rain Generator V1.0.9 00:57 Blender程序化城市建筑道路资产预设一键生成插件 ICity V1.0.3 + 使用教程 01:31 3DS MAX贴图材质随机加载插件 MultiTexture Map 05:47 3DS MAX地板地面墙面生成制作插件 Floorgenerator 04:28 Blender关键帧...
-a or --render-anim ,渲染动画的全部帧。 Render frames from start to end (inclusive) -S or --scene <name>,设置渲染的当前活动场景。 Set the active scene <name> for rendering -f or --render-frame <frame>,渲染一帧并保存。 Render frame <frame> and save it. +<frame> start frame rela...
Display:显示属性,包括Only Render(仅显示渲染物体)、Outline Selected(显示在大纲编辑器中选择的物体)、All Object Origins(显示所有物体的原心)、Relationship Li 35、nes(显示物体间的关系)、All Edges(显示所有的线框边)、Grid Floor(网格显示属性)、Shading(着色预览模式)、Toggle Quad View(快速划分视图)。
每组图片. 设置为0表示“intra_only”,禁用 inter-frame 视频. 数字越大通常会导致文件越小,但需要更高功率的设备才能重放。 最大B帧 允许使用 B‑frames 帧。 间隔 非B‑frames 帧之间的最大B帧数。 比率¶ 码率 设置平均 码率 (quality), 即每帧的二进制数字的计数。另见: FFmpeg -b:v. 比率 ...
Display:显示属性,包含Only Render(仅显示渲染物体)、Outline Selected(显示在纲领编辑器中选择物体)、All Object Origins(显示全部物体原心)、Relationship Lines(显示物体间关系)、All Edges(显示全部线框边)、Grid Floor(网格显示属性)、Shading(着色预览模式)、Toggle Quad View(快速划分视图)。 Grease Pencil:视图...
There’s also a built-in compositor, which allows you to manage post-production after completing a render. Camera movements can be controlled with object tracking, potentially eliminating the need for additional software. Drawing, video editing, and scripting Blender allows you to draw directly in ...
Pro-Lighting: Skies: the fastest, easiest and most realistic outdoor lighting available for Blender.
Select the chunk of the segment you want to render and press "render segment" to render a single segment or select "render all" to render the project in segments. The length of each segment is controlled by the difference between the "Start Frame" and "End frame" values. [Only in Red...
This blend mode is supported only for the D3DRS_SRCBLEND render state. D3DBLEND_BLENDFACTOR Constant color blending factor used by the frame-buffer blender. This blend mode is supported only if D3DPBLENDCAPS_BLENDFACTOR is set in the SrcBlendCaps or DestBlendCaps members of D3DCAPS9. ...