【5.5】选中三个Marker以确定一个平面(将Plane跟我们视频中的纸尽量重合) (三点成面),Orientation->Floor,设置平面即可。 【5.6】选中两个Marker确定Scale,调整平面的大小 我们可以更改Distance,来确定Plane和相机之间的距离,设置完后,再点击Set Scale即可完成设置。 【5.7】选中纸面中央Marker以确定平面的世界原点。...
set_world(color=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0]) draw_plane(location=[0, 0, 0], size=200, c...
ScanIP导出stl文件流程: ①File(文件)-> ②Save As(另存为)-> ③选择STL文件类型(.stl后缀文件)-> ④点击Options(选项设置) -> ⑤Conversion Tolerance(转换容忍度)设置为0.0254mm;Surface Plane Angle(表面二维角度)设置为45.00 -> ⑥Save(保存) 十八、SolidWorks SolidWorks导出stl文件流程: ①File(文件)->...
189.blender每日小技巧189 - 平面上分布不规则孔Plane with irregular holes 01:09 188.blender每日小技巧188 - 给圆柱体开孔Cylinder with holes 00:47 196.blender每日小技巧196- 用模版雕刻Sculpting with stencils 01:08 195.blender每日小技巧195 - 插入支撑边Inset with support edges 01:10 194.blen...
If a Reflection Plane is near a reflective surface, it will be used as the source for tracing rays more efficiently and fix the partial visibility problem. 如果反射平面靠近反射表面,它将用作更有效地追踪光线的源,并修复部分可见性问题。
Fire up blender, and delete the default plane in the middle of the screen. Next, hit the spacebar to bring up the Toolbox and select add>surface>sphere. A small sphere appears in the middle of the screen. Now use resize (KEY S) to make it a bit bigger, and use resize with the ...
<uri>model://ground_plane</uri> </include> <model name="cube_red"> <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose> <static>true</static> <visual name="visual"> <geometry> <mesh><uri>file:///xxx/cube_01/cube_red.dae</uri></mesh> </geometry> </visual...
s goal is to introduce you to Blender and the world of 3D scene production. You will get acquainted with the Blender user interface in this course and study the fundamentals of modeling, materials, lighting, and animation. Additionally, you will create a straightforward flying plane scene from ...
Make unique 3D printed gifts. Design your dream house, car, etc Express yourself through 3D artwork. Learn how to create 3D Models and Assets for games using Blender, the free-to-use 3D production suite. We start super simple so you'll be ok with little or no experience. With our onlin...