2. Click “Install…” button in the top right of the window 3. Find the Add-On file to install 4. Click “Install Add-on” 5. Check the checkbox to enable the addon. Then in the edit mode, press the shortcut D key, it will switch the mesh select mode or popup a pie menu de...
这是存储到调色盘的调用路径 想要使用这个存储功能,就需要使用store in addon perference这个功能。不过这个功能在高版本下是无法使用的,点进去会看见一个空的列表。 修复bug前 修复bug后 这个问题我也在论坛上找到了解决方案,还是之前那个热心老哥 https://blenderartists.org/t/pie-menu-editor-1-18-7/662456/46...
【中英双语版】blender模拟布料膨胀效果插件 Inflate Addon v1.0.0 00:26 【中英双语版】Blender地质电缆电线模型生成器插件 GeoCables V2.3.0 08:22 【中英双语版】blender插件-一键模拟真实流体效果工具 FluidLab v1.1.0 16:58 blender将图像转换为3D模型插件 Image Trace Generator 00:32 【中英双语版】...
Post FX包含超过40种后期功能,包括调色预设、添加光效、色相饱和度曝光、信号损坏特效等 Post FX is a powerful addon that upgrades Blender’s compositor with 40+ new core features.Easy to use Layer System for simple workflows.Powerful Pie Menu for experts.Create your custom pipeline in seconds without...
快速访问按钮位于节点编辑器标题的右上角,可在插件首选项中启用。 键盘快捷键: 默认键盘快捷键: :几何节点编辑器 :着色器节点编辑器 :世界节点编辑器 :合成器节点编辑器 您可以在 Blender 的键盘映射设置中自定义这些快捷键。 Add a pie menu, quick buttons, and shortcuts for switching between the different...
Post FX V2.1是一款强大的Blender插件,为Blender的合成器添加了40多个新核心功能,使后期调色变得更加简单和高效。无论是初学者还是专家,都可以通过这个插件快速提升工作流程和作品质量。 主要功能 技术信息 使用场景 使用说明 插件优势 Post FX is a powerful addon that
Better Lighting可以更好的控制Blender灯光,添加一些灯光特效、投影等 Better Lighting is a lighting tool Addon for Blender. It helps you create incredible lighting effects and offers a convenient PieMenu for easier operation! 支持的Blender版本:
Most of the features of the addon can also be accessed from a pie menu that is bound to the 'V' key. The pie menu appears as shown in the image below. When in isolate mode, the pie menu is slightly different, as shown in the following image. Planned / Possible Features Add function...
Ratings This is a pie menu that will allow you to quickly add anything in the physics panel If you would like to get this free or use a custom price, clickhere. Thank you for your support. Made withSerpens Supporter You would like to support this addon. ...
Camera Pie menu v1.11插件包含了一些Blender相机操作的菜单。如相机视图,对齐活动摄像机视图,锁定相机以查看,选择活动相机,选择所有相机,将选定的摄像机设置为活动,创建与视图对齐的相机,显示/隐藏 Passepartout等摄像机操作功能。This add-on is a menu that summarizes some camera operations.Default shortcut key ...