rotate and move it, or place it in the center of the object and the 3d cursor. You can use BBox to align to the extreme positions. Save position and rotation in a separate panel. The addon brings all the necessary features to the fore, ...
G Move 移动 R Rotate 旋转 S Scale 缩放 [Hold] Shift Precise Movements 精确移动 [Hold] Ctrl Increment Movements 递增移动 Middle Click or X/Y/Z Lock to Axis 锁定到坐标轴 Selection -- 选择 Right Click Select Object 选择物体 Shift+Right Click Select Multiple 多选物体 Alt (De)Select All 选择...
选择 Object物体 选择相连元素 Select Linked Shift-L 选择 Object物体 按名称选择 Select Pattern… 编辑 物体,编辑,姿态 移动Move G 编辑 Object/Edit 旋转Rotation R
importbpydefmyActivator(objName):# Pass datablock to scene =[objName]# Activate the object named 'Sphere'myActivator('Sphere')# Verify the 'Sphere' was activatedprint("Active object:", Selected ...
Clear RotationAlt + R Clear ScaleAlt + S Apply Location / Scale / RotationCtrl + A Join Selected ObjectsCtrl + J Copy Attributes to New ObjectsCtrl + L Add Subdivision levelCtrl + 0/1/2/3/4/5 Mask view to region / Clear maskAlt + B Center 3DcursorShift + C Move active object to...
Move active object to collectionM Move Active Camera to viewCtrl + Alt + Numpad 0 Set as ...
Transform:物体属性,包括Location(位置)、Rotation(转动)、Scale(比例)、Dimensions(尺寸)。View:视图属性,包括Lens(视图焦距)、Lock to Object(视图对 34、物体锁定)、Lock to Cursor(视图对光标锁定)、Clip(动画区域属性)、Local Camera(默认使用的摄像机名称)、3D Cursor(指针属性)。Transform Orientations:坐标...
Pivot Transform可以自由移动模型中心点,对齐法线、做旋转移动等操作 This addon helps you change the position of the pivot point as needed. You can align it to the normals of the desired polygon, rotate and move it, or place it in the center of the object and the 3d cursor. You can use ...
对齐轴 当要旋转摄像机或网格使其与一组给定轴对齐时,可以使用RotationFromAxis方法找到所需的欧拉角以进行旋转。 var orientation = BABYLON.Vector3.RotationFromAxis(axis1, axis2, axis3); object.rotation = orientation; 参考系变换(父节点) 如果要围绕其自身的原点以外的点定位,旋转或缩放网格,则可以使用父...
Points the active camera toward the selected object; based on the direction of the current viewpoint. 没有快捷键, 将照相机 对准 所选择的物体。 呵呵 30 View Selected NumpadPeriod Focuses view on currently selected object/s by centering them in the viewport, and zooming in until they fill the...