Move active object to collectionM Move Active Camera to viewCtrl + Alt + Numpad 0 Set as Activ...
155.blender每日小技巧155 - 对象模式下的视口透明度Viewport transparancy in Object Mode 00:52 156.blender每日小技巧156 -正确显示像素艺术纹理 Correctly display pixel art textures 00:41 157.blender每日小技巧157 -在短短一分钟内轻松烘焙法线贴图Easily bake normal maps in just one minute! 01:11 ...
1、Blender的快捷键及操作技巧常用技巧:通用操作操作热键删除Delete全部删除Ctrl+XScaleS对象模式/编辑模式转换(Object mode / Edit mode)Tab全选或取消全选所有顶点(Select/Deselect al vertices)A选择界线(Border select)B抓取模式(Grab mode)G视图操作热键前面观(Frontview)Numpad 1侧面观(Sideview)Numpad 3俯视图(...
tool 01:10 155.blender每日小技巧155 - 对象模式下的视口透明度Viewport transparancy in Object Mode 00:52 156.blender每日小技巧156 -正确显示像素艺术纹理 Correctly display pixel art textures 00:41 157.blender每日小技巧157 -在短短一分钟内轻松烘焙法线贴图Easily bake normal maps in just one minute!
G Move 移动 R Rotate 旋转 S Scale 缩放 [Hold] Shift Precise Movements 精确移动 [Hold] Ctrl Increment Movements 递增移动 Middle Click or X/Y/Z Lock to Axis 锁定到坐标轴 Selection -- 选择 Right Click Select Object 选择物体 Shift+Right Click Select Multiple 多选物体 ...
49. m:Move to collection. 50. Object 模式下,Ctrl A,可以apply rotation/Location到ParticleSystem (Render As选: Collection)。 51. Weight Painting模式下,按F键可以调整画刷的大小,按shift F键可以调整画刷的强度: Weight Painting模式下,按F键可以调整画刷的大小,按shift F键可以调整画刷的强度 ...
Transforming Objects in Object Mode Transforming with Shortcut Keys To use the shortcut keys to transform the object, first ensure the object is selected. Next, press the appropriate key to begin the action, and then move the mouse to start the transform. ...
The options in this menu align your view with specified local axes of the selected active object, bone, or, in Edit Mode with the normal of the selected face. Hold down Shift while using the numpad to set the view axis. 以7,1,3 个视图作为基础。然后寻找从上往下 看到的第一个面。然后...
Vertical 按着Ctrl键和鼠标中键,鼠标垂直方向移动缩放视图 √ Zooms in and out based on vertical mouse movement Horizontal 按着Ctrl键和鼠标中键,鼠标水平方向移动缩放视图 Zooms in and out based on horizontal mouse movement Invert Zoom Direction 反向缩放(默认后拉/左移放大) Invert the axis of mouse ...
Numbpad 5 -- perspective mode 透视开关 Numbpad 0 -- camera view 相机视角 X / Delete -- 删除 Shift + D -- duplicate object 复制物体 常用热键汇总 日期:20220828 课程:P2 A-对象编辑-2 课程笔记: 快捷键:Shift A -- add an object(mesh,curve,surface,torus, etc.) 添加物体 (mesh里有各种形...