Blender 2.8 Beginner 3D Modeling Tutorial Render Result 制作流程记录 使用的基本建模工具有: 1、挤出 2、缩放 3、Dissolve face (将多个面溶解为一个面) 4、Bevel 切角 5、To Sphere 球形化 6、细分修改器 7、Loop Cut (环切) / Insert (插入面) =>...
Level:Beginner If you want to jump right into Blender, this tutorial might be the one for you. Like the last tutorial, it goes into all the basics of Blender, including how to download the software. It doesn't go in-depth, but you can still get a pretty good understanding. The tutori...
Blender Beginner Tutorial - Part 1 - YouTube Watch On This helpful Blender tutorial from CG Fast Track takes you through all you need to know to get started. It's quite a lengthy one, split up into three parts so make sure you set the time aside to watch it as it's absolutely ...
MODELING TUTORIALS Modeling an Ornamental Shield in Blender Why this tutorial rules Model a stunning shield to show off (and possibly slay enemies) with! In 30 minutes, the legendary Blender trainer Kent Trammell takes you through an action-packed workflow and teaches you super useful modeling skil...
cha6 Blender Beginner Tutorial - Part 5: Modelling 插入图片,并将模型做到上面的程度后,处理接下来的任务 通过ctrl+s,选取中间一个面,进行scaling,然后再对于整体,ctrl+3,(其实就是subdivision) 然后ctrl+r拖动鼠标往上。 对于上下两个面点击I,进行intersect的准备工作,然后上下两个表面会变得平整... ...
This is an easy tutorial for beginners. In this video walk-through we will learn the basic steps on how to create a chair usingSplines in 3DS Max. Modeling A Chest A Drawers 3DS Max This is an easy tutorial for beginners. In this video walk-through we will learn the basic steps on ...
Beginner Modeling Tutorial (Multipart) Check Out This Tutorial Blender Guruis one of the most popular Blender YouTube instructors. I often point students to these lessons when they’re just getting started with Blender in general. In this series Blender Guru teaches the fundamentals of modeling. ...
BlenderBlenderAnimation & 3D3D Modeling & DesignMore Animation & 3D Level:Beginner Hands-on Class Project The best way to learn Blender is by going into the system and creating things yourself. After getting familiar with navigating Blender, you will be able to create your...
Join CG Cookie in this beginner-level tutorial, modeling a low-polygon Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin inside our favorite 3D editor. Blender 2.8 or a higher version is all you need, no external add-ons will be used. 01: Establishing the pumpkin basis Start Blender. The standard cube is selected ...
In this Blender 2.8 beginner video tutorial I show how to create a simple monitor model and I also announce a course made by Zach Reinhardt called the Blender 2.8 Launchpad, which is great for getting you started with Blender 2.8.