Low Poly Ice Scene – 用极光捕捉寒冷环境的魔力。Low Poly Floating Island – 天空中异想天开的世界。Low Poly Dog & T-Rex – 在这个有趣的项目中让动物栩栩如生。低多边形世界 - 打造你自己的充满活力的微型星球。Low Poly Character (低多边形角色) – 设计完全绑定的 3D 角色并制作动画。为什么选择这...
Blender - Low Poly Character Creation Blender - blender低面数角色模型制作教程免费下载服务中心 关于我们 官方QQ群 上传协议 版权声明 模型下载 FS材质模型 CR材质模型 VR材质模型 免费模型 用户中心 收益分成 上传模型 我的消息 我的主页 栏目 CG教程 常用软件 贴图 3D模型 客服QQ 9048334 周一至周五:9:...
This time around he is tackling low poly character creation for game environments. With a little help from Tim Von Rueden on the concept, logistical support from Wes, and game industry consultation from Chan Sarinyamas, Jonathan is locked in on production and we are now ready to start taking...
本来还有一期 《Blender LowPoly 胡子男角色建模》视频的,不过 B 站有人搬运了,不能重复投稿,因此我把胡子男建模的视频和字幕放到下面的共享目录,可以自行下载观看学习。 视频中的模型 Blender 文件下载见共享目录下的 How_to_Model_a_Low_Poly_Character_in_Blender_2.81-NDAalAojTvo 目录,直接下载该模型跟随视频...
25个低多边形人物模型,带有1K漫反射和法线贴图。用于中远距离相机拍摄。还包括低聚 OBJ 文件。 支持软件 Blender 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 25 low polygon character models with 1K diffuse and normal mapping. Used for medium and long distance camera shooting. It also includes oligomeric OBJ files. Support so...
在Blender创建一个低多边形角色的绑定BuildingABasicLowPolyCharacterRigInBlender(http:\/\/bbc008.longluntan\/t36-topic"\l"249) InthistutorialyouwilllearnhowtobuildabasicriggingsystemforalowpolycharacterusingBlender.ThoughblenderhasaAuto-RiggingsystemcalledRigifyforbipeds,onemust...
BlenderCookie has just announces a new tutorial series, focused on low-poly character modeling. These guys are doing an amazing amount of work! Wes Burke writes: Following up our previous Vehicle Training Series, Jonathan has begun production on our next big series! This time around he is tac...
Follow the steps that lead to the creation of a high quality low-poly character in this workshop by Kjartan Tysdal. The workshop features 1.5 hours of commented videos + 12 hours of timelapses, covering pretty much the entire creation process. 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复上一主题Blen...
This character is madeas a low poly base meshon which to build your own character. In its current state you can easily make a muscular design or give a more chiseled build to a chubby guy. This also comes skinned so you can immediately build controls on top of it. The model has prope...
Blender迷你等距卡通场景建模教程 Udemy – Blender 3D Ultimate Isometric Scene Creation Masterclass Blender手表建模贴图教程 Udemy – Blender for Product Designers – 3D Modeling, Texturing Blender三维建模贴图基础教程 Udemy – Blender Character Creation Master the Basics and Beyond ...