Note before you begin: unfortunately as of Blender 2.37 the Background Image that is used below is broken. To do this tutorial you'll need to grab a copy of Blender 2.37 from theBlender Release Archive. The most tedious part of creating a logo animation is tracing the logo. In most case...
<seg>Version updates: You can easily check for new builds from within Blender</seg> </tuv> <tuv xml:lang="ZH" changedate="20100719T232128Z" changeid="flash"> <seg>版本更新:您可以轻松地在Blender内检查是否有新版本</seg> </tuv> </tu> <tu> <tuv xml:lang="EN-US"> <...
move the three smaller fins around untill they are attached to the body in a proper way. This is how it should look (I rotated the fin on Willy's back a little bit to make it match the angle of his back):