同时按下Shift+A键。会弹出一个添加(Add)菜单,正如下图所示。这里有不少你可以添加的东西,从网格(Mesh)到融合球(Metaball)再到文本(Text)和摄像机(Camera)。 添加菜单 5.现在,开始生成网格物体吧,移动光标到网格上;然后移动光标并且使用鼠标左键选择平面(Plane)。 6.你刚刚生成了一个平面。它可以被用作某个...
Need hair particles to only be on the vertex group, but still sticking out all throughout the mesh particles hair vertex-groups vertex-weights emission CommunityBot 1 modified1 hour ago 0votes 0answers 3views How to add toggles for my addon in the preferences ...
51 Curve from Mesh/Text 50生成的mesh 有很多线条。 经过51处理后,内部线条消失,只保留外部线条。并且带曲率调节把 52 ctr + j Join merges all selected objects into the last selected Active object. All object data is linked to the active object (which must be selected). All objects must be of...
Trying to add buttons at the end of a RelativeLayout in Android Hi =) I am trying to develop an app in android, and its a basic text adventure game, which displays some text, and then has a couple of buttons for the options you can choose. Very very basic. However... ...
63 A better way to fill in a mesh 64 Create a 3D text object 65 Clean up renders with denoising 66 Quick render tests with overrides 67 Quick Fluid 68 Simplify AO 69 Add-ons - Dynamic Context Menu 70 Python - Quick renaming 71 Python - Set origin on multiple objects ...
How to use Photo Blender : => Select your photo from the gallery or click from your camera. => Apply photo blender effects. => Then you can other photo effects. After Photo Blending you can set gradient color on your blending photo. => Add text. IF you like to add on a photo. =...
data.lock_camera = True #bpy.context.space_data.lock_camera = False bpy.ops.object.light_add(...
28 Align Active Camera to View Ctrl-Alt-Numpad0 将照相机 指向 当前视图的中心 29 Align Active Camera to Selected Points the active camera toward the selected object; based on the direction of the current viewpoint. 没有快捷键, 将照相机 对准 所选择的物体。 呵呵 ...
YABEEExport models from the Blender to Panda3D game engine molecular-blender:.xyz分子文件的导入插件 Equally-Space-Colour-Ramp-Handles: A script to evenly distribute colour ramp handles in Blender Slider-Puzle-Text-Tutorial:Slider Puzzle for Blender 3D in Python Text-Editor-Bookmarks:Add line number...
def add_object_button(self, context): self.layout.operator( OBJECT_OT_add_object.bl_idname, text="Add Object", icon='PLUGIN') # This allows you to right click on a button and link to documentation def add_object_manual_map():