Materials Preview – You can tap on Preview in the Material Properties menu and view the texture applied to multiple basic objects within the small preview window. Since we are simply using the cube for this exercise, I’ve opted to preview it on the cube in this window. Get a look at...
import bpy # 定义创建圆柱体并进入编辑模式的函数 def create_cylinder_and_edit(radius, depth, location): # 创建圆柱体 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=radius, depth=depth, enter_editmode=False, location=location) # 选择新创建的圆柱体 cylinder = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] # ...
Lights, camera, Blender! If you're an aspiring filmmaker or a video editing enthusiast, you know the power of a well-placed camera angle in creating captivating visuals. Whether you're working on a short film, animation project, or even a product showcas
(立方体) bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=cafe_height, enter_editmode=False, location=(location_x, location_y, location_z)) cafe_body = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] = name # 设置咖啡馆主体的尺寸 cafe_body.dimensions = (cafe_width, cafe_length, cafe_height) # ...
Modifier Shortcut Keys is a Blender Addon that allows you to add modifiers to one or more objects quickly using shortcut keys. Discover more products like this bundlen-panelclothsimulationaddon bundle discountrender wireframesummer24material libraryultimatebakingspring23cablescuttercolorbfcm24colorframesum...
Global view shows all of the 3D objects in the scene. Local view isolates the selected object or objects, so that they are the only ones visible in the viewport. This is useful for working on objects that are obscured by other ones, or to speed up viewport performance in heavy scenes. ...
How to add Assets to your Scene from the Asset Browser? We can add assets from the asset browser byclicking on an asset and dragging it into the scene, objects also have the ability to be snapped while we're dragging them into our scene. ...
Commotion—Blender add-on for motion graphics. Features: Offset animation for multiple objects using different sorting methods. Works both with F-Curves and NLA strips. Copy and link animation between objects. Proximity Effector lets you change object properties by distance to other objects. ...
Blender-Destructability-Editor:Define how dynamic destruction of blender objects is handled by the game engine blender-addons:Github mirror of blender-addons repo for easier handling BlenderRealtimeEngineAddon:An addon to allow external real time engines (e.g. game engines) to use Blender as an...
There's plenty you can achieve in Blender to create industry-level quality models and 3D scenes. In this article, you've learned how to add light objects to your scene as well as Image Based Lighting in Blender. Advance on to the next steps and learn about all the other awesome things ...